Israel (1)


The Striver in God …


And unless god is thought to be a deity that takes sides in human feuds …: the name will not represent the Strivers in God!

A god that is a local god,

Not unlike the other gods of the warring tribes of the Middle East,

After more than half-a-century since the establishment of it, and on the backdrop of the old and recent religious wars in the region: one would think that the State of Israel has grown up to be a mature state, ruled by democracy and universal human values,

Human values which are none but the Judaic teachings of ancient Hebrew prophets …

By wanting to make Jerusalem its exclusive capital: the State has reduced the cause of its existence to religion,

Not unlike the theocratic states in the region,

And indeed, the Islamic syndicates …


Israel (2)


It’s been said, that the peace process has now died …

But has there ever been a genuine desire for peace on either side?

Perhaps in the minds of the voiceless few,

If those express their views openly they’ll be tainted as traitors disobeying god …


So long as there’s a belief on either side that one day the other side will be annihilated or completely subdued … there’s no genuine desire for peace,


Perhaps if both sides can come to terms with the fact that the other side does exist, and that it is not up to either of them to determine the other side’s destiny:

Both sides will come closer to God,

And the peace for both becomes achievable

Israel (3)


Has any of the Abrahamic religions lived up to their “titles”? I can’t but ask …

Perhaps in their own self-assessment the answer is yes,


But destiny doesn’t seem to be heeding any one’s self-judgement,

And the predicament each group of them has brought upon themselves speaks volumes about their having lost their way …


For, if we argue that calamities are god’s trial of human faith, even in an unlimited supply …,

And that eventually the promise of triumph will be fulfilled …:

We can by this assumption believe that all warring Abrahamic religions are triumphant …!

The intellect is the master of self-deception,

I have said it on the Circle many times …


What triumphs in this world is essences,

Essences which are eternal truths …

So, for example, if you build an indestructible building: you do by the essences of indestructibility …

Like durability, correct design and so on …

The structure will resist whatever the elements can subject it to …

Up to a certain time …

Because the matter itself which is used in the construction: is ruled by the essence of the cycle of beginning and ending …


Every idea is subject to such laws …

And every materialisation of every idea is subject to such laws …

This is the Law that the people of Israel were meant to abide by,

If they violated it: they are subjected to physical laws …

If they lived by its Virtue …: well, in this case: it can be seen why any eventuality can be seen as triumph or defeat …

Depending on the angle from which it is viewed …


Triumph is still beyond the reach of any of them …


Israel (4)


In the present, and since the creation of the state of Israel, the world has afforded only bias to the Arab-Israeli conflict …

Because non-Arabs and non-Hebrews have only the claims of each side to go by …

Claims which are supposed to be each side’s god’s commands …


All the debate around national rights and the international legality … is just a distraction from the real issue …

And that is: is God commanding the Jews to claim exclusive ownership of now Israel, or is He commanding the Arabs to fight them to destroy their state …?


But a reasonable person, guided by rational thinking and universal human values of justice and equality …: will not take sides …


If the two groups have brewed in their hearts so much hatred to one another over the last century …, to the point that it is now pathological …: it is their and their leaders’ fault,


The world should only guide both to live side by side in peace, and let each other go by their local laws and traditions …

Perhaps if they did … they would both have learned the lesson that time is trying to teach them, and hence both would’ve taken abode in the same Creator … of all humanity,


In the time before the creation of the state of Israel they did live side by side,

Albeit with the Muslims having the upper hand, and the Jews and the Christians being the second-class citizens …

But this was past that is not meant to be relived, in whosever favour,

If any group of them can live up to this human standard: those are the true Strivers in God,

Whatever their race, colour and belief …


Israel (5)


The world will not sit back and watch Arabs and Hebrews set out to annihilate each other,

And although each side might be convinced that their god is supporting them to destroy his enemy: God will not support any of them,

The God who has sent to them Books and Wisdom,

To elevate them to be humans with rational minds and compassionate hearts,


And if they choose to attempt to annihilate one another: they will both be vanquished,

And it will be yet another chapter in both their history: The Wrath of God,

And this is none but the Law,

There’s no god who sits in heaven and presses buttons to activate his reward and punishment,

Such gods are the fabrications of the human mind,

And whether you worship them in a stone, graven or plane,

Or in a human, dead or alive,

Or in an assumed being high in the heavens:

They are same,

They are manmade gods,

People make them, and people write laws, reward and punish each other: on their behalf


Israel (6)


Isn’t shocking … that arts, music, mathematics, physics, philosophy, medical sciences … which are universally and liberally accepted: do not claim to be of divine sources …

While religions which are based on racial, national and linguistic differentiation and discrimination: claim to be godsent??


It’s about time religious authorities gave up their self-awarded status of representatives of heaven,

And it’s about time the frocked men go to the primary schools in their neighbourhoods,

To learn what car mechanics, doctors and engineers have learned,

To train their brains to think straight,

To catch up with the rest of the world,

Instead of continuing to pull the world back to dwell with them in the dark ages,

Where wizards and witches ruled,

By deceit and pretention, and by scaremongering …

By spreading fear and hatred … which, if you don’t have: beware of the punishment of the god …


Perhaps if they did, they can start to understand their Books,

Which have taught compassion and rationality …

So that they can start their first steps towards knowing the Divine



Israel (7)


The morality that is taught by the carrot and the stick, by the promise of reward and punishment: hasn’t worked and never will …:

All the warring Abrahamic religions claim to be of the highest moral standards …

Moral standards which condone crime, and indeed encourage it …

Stay out of our way, we’re carrying out god’s commands: is what each group are saying,


Perhaps it did work in ancient times, when communities were isolated,

And their dependence on each other and on the rest of the world wasn’t so obvious …

And of course, they all taught their followers to be kind to one another, and to help one another … for god to be happy with them …

But in fact, this was meant for them to learn the law of action and reaction, and cause and effect …

And if they didn’t: their god was no different from pagan gods …

The god of no reason …


This is the god that is fueling hatred and war, on every side of it …

And although the practical outcome of believing in this god are so obviously disastrous …

Abrahamic religions are stubbornly clinging to it …


The lofty words that all Abrahamic religions use to glorify themselves … are hollow words now,

They are none but political slogans to contain and control the masses …

Run from such gods


Israel (8)


I’ve said it on this Circle a number of times, and will not shy from saying it again …

That the faith all the Books have called to: is faith in the human mind,


Because, think about it:

If the frocked men tell you that faith is in arguments they say constitute faith …

It is by the power of one’s mind: that one chooses to have faith in them or not …

This is why the Books were not sent to the cows …


Even if you believe that faith is your birthright as a member of a certain community …:

Because, as you grow up and ponder your faith, it becomes clear that you have to accept this assumption to confirm your faith …!


The process of ridding oneself of the assumptions of one’s faith: can be very painful:

When hopes are big, and fears are bigger,

But when reason is strong: the mind is in a euphoria of freedom,

This is true faith,

If you are afraid of mindful freedom: it’s because you have burdened your mind with fallacies …

The biggest of which is the god who sits far in the heaven, and waits for you to disbelieve him to unleash his wrath …

This is the god that religion wants you to believe …

Providing a god specialising in the affairs of each religion!


Run from such gods,

The Creator of the world cannot be known, or approached to: by assumptions …

Only by mindful thinking,

That all humans are capable of doing …


Israel (9)


No one can deny the injustice that has been inflicted on the Palestinian people …

They had no choice in it …

In the aftermath of WWI and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire …

In an Arab World that was a time capsule from the Medieval ages,

Torn by tribal, religious and sectarian hatred …

Arabs can easily blame the Sikes-Picot agreement …

Ignoring their own problems …

Which have persisted to the present …


But all this … doesn’t justify saying to the world that the Palestinians didn’t exist …

And that they were just a bunch of goat shepherds constantly on the move anyway …

To be replaced by Jewish migrants from Europe …

Who themselves had suffered centuries of cruelty and injustice in the entire of Europe …


To say that it was all triggered by the Balfour Declaration is very misguiding …

Because it ignores the history of this people, and the ties that they feel they have with this land,

Bearing in mind the Holocaust and the blatant hatred towards the Jews during and before WWII: where else could they have established their own state, to live under the rule of their own laws and traditions …?


Perhaps their belief in their racial and religious superiority, which was probably partly their answer to the discrimination that they suffered in Europe: was their major fault,

It created a huge rift between them and the Arabs, and indeed the rest of the world,

And it has given them a blank cheque to occupy and claim more land …


But wrong cannot be corrected by counter-wrong …

The onus is on Israel to rectify the situation, because it has the military and financial superiority, and has the support of the most powerful nations of the world,

To stop the cycle of violence and counter-violence and the claims and counter-claims: by reason, and by a demonstration of good will …


Israel (10)


The Arab-Israeli conflict has put a universal issue at the spotlight …

Once again …

Who decides what is right and what is wrong …, people or god?


And it seems that the attempt to create a united-nations assembly and security council …: has not delivered what has been expected:

So long as there are groups of people in the world who claim that their rights have been unrecognised …, by the acquiescence or the inaction of those bodies …


So, the question keeps begging itself:

Who can say what people’s rights are, the people or a third party?

And if the third party is believed to be a god: the question becomes more complex, beyond the point of resolvability,

And conflict becomes inevitable,

And the old Arabic poem: the sword is a truer announcer of news than books, by its edge, the edge between solemnness and play …: remains as the only universal law to go by!!


If the impracticality of such a law is unobvious,

If its certain disastrous consequences are lightly taken …

Every nation in the world should reconsider its strong belief in it …

Because in today’s warfare: the victory any nation can accomplish by it: is the closest thing to complete defeat …

And when It comes to guerilla war and street-to-street fight:

Not only is defeat certain for all participants: but the bloodshed will reduce the stuff of legends to a child’s play,


The God that all nations should be listening to: is the call of reason,

This one is truly undiscriminating,

And truly the bringer of peace and prosperity that all are fighting for


Israel (11)


The victory that the Books have promised: cannot be that of armies and tribes …

The Books do say: it is the Victory of God …

The Creator of the worlds is needless of human wars to demonstrate His Might …

Where no atom or a galaxy spin but between His Hands …

Why would He want bloodshed and destruction: as if the world is the making of another entity …!

The Victory of God is nigh … (ألا إن نصر الله قريب)

It is in every human’s heart and head,

When the human is capable of recognising his Creator therein:

This is the victory of the human …

Bestowed on him by God,


And if you argue that the armies and tribes of the good people will triumph over those of evil, by God’s Will …

But nothing eventuates except by His Will,

By Him are the armies which are defeated, and by Him are those which defeat them,

By Him is human ignorance and education,


All Abrahamic religions have to rethink their concept of the enemies of god …, every time they make an enemy, while trading or disputing …, or trying to make friends with complete strangers …

The god that is rubber stamp for their convenience is none but a pagan god,


It is amazing how intelligent nations, which have advanced sciences and technologies …, are still captives of ancient pagan gods: on every side of every political divide,

Perhaps that nations which do not have such gods, which are considered atheist by the ones which do: are closer to knowing the Creator


Israel (12)


All the Books, from the Far East to the Middle East, have mentioned the two humanities (Ins and Jin, to use Qur’anic terms) … being the people of the light and the people of darkness …

This is not to say that god’s rule is arbitrary,

Or that he creates the people of darkness to punish them …

Or that he creates both people to judge them and punish them or reward them …


In this cycle of existence, those two humanities are mingled in one genesis,

Any attempt to prove otherwise, by DNA analysis or any other method, will fail,

And the lineage of people cannot be traced to ancient times either …

You’d have to rely on the honesty of dead people many hundreds or thousands of years ago …


Religions were too quick to say: we are the people of light,

And of course, their religious and national rivals are the people of darkness …

And many still believe that this was a revelation to their prophets and clergymen,

But you only need a child’s intelligence to put such belief where it belongs: in the trash bin of fallacies …


The tough times that the earth is being subjected to,

The failure of religions and political ideologies to establish a peaceful and wise world,

The heartbreaking poverty and injustices,

The extremes … in every aspect of people’s lives,

The mental illness which drives individuals to commit acts of violence against people they don’t even know …

… are the outcome of people’s false beliefs and action,

And hence a test of everyone’s character,

Where do you stand on those divides?

The people of light do not get sucked into them, and float above them, and do not initiate any action towards them, unless their survival requires it …


One can imagine that it’s only natural that the period of stability which will follow later: will have placed the people where they belong, in their rank of consciousness …

Because the world will continue and always does …

And a view of the world from a different point around the Circle of Existence will generate new heavens for the new human civilisations …

Some will be lowered some will be elevated … according to the burdens on their souls …

There’s only Justice in this world


Israel (13)


The Temple of God …

Is in the faithful’s heart,

It lights up their inner skies,

It reveals to them The Circle of Existence,

It erects the mightiest and grandest of all the edifices,

The music of Time echoes on its eternal walls,

The elements and the storms on earth cannot scathe it,

In it the faithful rejoice,

And the Lord looks them and they look Him,

The Manifestation that is not conditional to physical existence,


In the past, when Messengers built temples on earth,

It was to remind the people of the Majesty of the Law,

To rekindle in their hearts the love of Existence,

To awe their minds and humble their egos,

But when those structures became places of rituals they were torn down,


The worship of God is steps on the gates of knowledge,

God is needles of stones and things … needles of His entire creation,

People make them for their own illusions,


The town that is now Jerusalem was once in another place now sunk in the ocean,

Time moves the gates for the heavens when it ends and when it begins,

Beyond human scientific knowledge,

Beyond people’s control or manipulation



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