
Joseph was the son of Pharaoh Amen Hotep III,

Whether he was his eldest son, I’m not sure, but he had a brother named Horem Heb, who was younger,

He also had a half-brother from a mistress that Amen Hotep had.

That half-brother might have been older than Joseph,

In any case, you can imagine that the throne of Egypt, in such a mix of prospective successors, was a contentious one …

 Egypt had a complex socio-economic structure, not unlike today’s big and wealthy countries,

There was the aristocracy, who owned land, slaves and trades, and who supported the Pharaoh,

Those were the “original inhabitants” of Egypt. Although, at that time, and a few thousand years had gone by since the erasure of the previous world, it was beginning to be hard to distinguish people by their looks, to make such assertions.

This group had Abraham’s religion as their religion. What was that called exactly in those days is of no importance. Those people knew prophet Abraham who believed in one god,

But not unlike today’s monotheist religions, those people too were still worshipping stones and places and dead people, long after Abraham told them to worship only god.

There was another group of people, who did not follow Abraham’s religion, but had their own belief system, which originated back in the earlier days of Egypt, and which was a tawheedic religion in its philosophical outlook and its practices,

Those people were considered wise and knowledgeable, and in Tel Amarna, which was called then Midian, they had the biggest population,

Their social structure was different and so too were their traditions,

Those were “whiter” people than the Egyptians and looked different. Perhaps this suggests that they were made up of emigrants, who came perhaps from Syria,

But why would immigrants from Syrian want to settle in that far southern part of Egypt? For religious reasons perhaps, because that part of Egypt witnessed in the millennia before a major philosophical awakening, by the coming of all the good Prophets …  this is where The Letter of Hermes which has been read in English on COB  was first delivered, and perhaps during the same time the Ghita was written, and  before the Buddha  had spoken,

And by the way, I have no idea how archaeologists have come to the conclusion that Abu Simbil was built by Ramesses II. It is quite possible the Ramesses II hijacked the temple by putting some engraving on it to claim it to himself, but Abu Simbil was built in a much earlier time, by those people that I mentioned, perhaps a few hundred years before the Pyramid of Giza was built,

And when the head of the sphinx was seen, it was a sign to everyone that this was the cycle of human existence which would conclude a cycle of cycles, before a new cycle was to start,

Because, as I mentioned before, the sphinx was built hundreds of millions of years ago, and was hidden in the sand, until it surfaced at the start of this cycle, and I will come back to it briefly, when I tell as much as I can of the story of prophet Hud, mentioned in the Qur’an, who walked on the sand dunes (al-a7qaaf), which were the dust remanent of the cycle which is referred to as Eden, in the Qur’an written as 3aad.

Abu Simbil was not statues for worship, but the whole place is wrapped with symbols, and only someone with good tawheedic knowledge could unravel its mysteries,

 The third social cast was the immigrants who were slaves …

Although some of them managed to become free by being wealthy and owning land or by having good skills and trades, and of course by being close to the Pharaohs,

The Pharaohs needed them and wanted to keep them happy, they were a big population which could threaten the security of Egypt,

Those immigrants were mainly Hebrew tribes who came from what is known today as Arabia. Hebrew was then the major dialect of the Semitic language, which was conceived by the group of people who lived in Arabia,

The other dialects which were spoken in Syria and Iraq were the dialects which were also spoken in Midian.

Abraham lived in the northern part of Arabia, around Jordan and close to the Red Sea. His religion spread to Egypt and became the official religion of the Pharaohs,

Abraham was given “the greatest Property/Kingdom”, as the Qur’an puts it. But that did not refer to land, as the Arabs and the Hebrew have interpreted. It referred to the Books which he was given by good prophets, one of whom was born to him, and others came and visited him, as the Bible and the Qur’an testified.

The Qur’an and the al-Munfarid say: “God took Abraham as an intimate friend” (ittakhadha allahu Imbrahim Khaleelan),

Hinting to the friendship and the love which is between him and one of the good prophets.

So, back to the time of Amen Hotep III, Abraham’s religion was now a few centuries or perhaps a thousand years old, and its message was so distorted by then,

One of the things: the mummification was a practice which was meant to keep the bodies of the dead in a good condition, in preparation for resurrection day!

And although monotheists today do not practise it any more, yet they all believe that resurrection is when the dust and the bones of dead people are reassembled and given life again to face judgement.

So the belief has not gone really. And it is the case with a lot of beliefs which persist in new shapes and forms. Because there are dark ones with little or no understanding who revive them, and there are lazy and ignorant people who take whatever they are told as true, without questioning.

And whenever religion goes far off the track, the lives of people are threatened by all kinds of dangers: economic, political, social, psychological … and even natural, as in natural disasters …

I know this will raise eyebrows, but I hope someone in the future does this study, to figure out whether there was philosophical vacuum preceding every period of the known history which witnessed wars, famines, plagues, natural disasters and so on …

 Joseph’s half-brother’s name is read in whichever reference archaeologists have found about him as Thutmose. In fact he was Moses, and no one else.

So from here on I’ll refer to him as Moses.

Moses was a sculptor of the calibre of Michelangelo. And Michelangelo was only an incarnation of Moses.

His talent and personality extraordinaire earned him the reputation of a magician. Magicians were people who knew more than just the basic skills and trades that ordinary people did. Such people were considered gifted by the paranormal.

The people of Moses were simple people, in comparison with the Egyptians, who were sophisticated and civilised, and lived in the upper end of town and spoke their own language.

Moses’ mother Tiye was the daughter of a wealthy businessman of the Hebrew people, and was a friend of Amen Hotep III.  She was an incarnation of Sarah, Abraham’s wife around a thousand years before.

Moses grew up in the slums where his people lived, and envied his half-brothers for living in the palace and being treated like royalty, and when he visited them in the palace he showed his envy and hate to them blatantly.

He also felt sorry for his people for being slaves and a low caste in that ruthless world,

Over the years he built up a lot of desire to elevate the status of his people, and he thought the best way to achieve this was to be accepted as royal,

But this was out of question. The Aristocracy of Egypt would not let that happen. They could not stand the idea of a man of that caste mixing with them, let alone being in the palace.

Amen Hotep’s wife, Joseph’s mother that is, was of a royal lineage. She was disgusted by the idea that her children had a half-brother living in the slums, and she was very resentful of her husband for occasionally entertaining that woman’s father, and befriending him. Those people were religionless, lawless, primitive etc… in the Egyptians’ view.

But Amen Hotep did not really love his wife, and was very attached to his mistress, who knew how to get from him whatever she wanted.

For example, she asked him to have his carpenter make beds of timber for her and her son, like the ones he and his family had in the palace. These beds were made of perhaps Lebanese Cedar and polished up by the best craftsman. And they were delivered to her home, and everyone saw that.

Her people would be lucky if they had wool mattresses laid on the floor. Most of them slept on hay mattresses.

When the news of the beds reached his wife she was very angry, and she started to feel she was just a servant in his palace that he did not respect or love at all. And she felt that she had to protect her sons from the evil of Moses and his mother, who were obviously planning to move in with her.

He was also very bad tempered, and used to have bursts of anger which frightened everyone. No one could argue with him about anything or object to anything he said, except perhaps his son Joseph, when he became a young man.

Soon news spread that Moses’ mother was pregnant again. But the rumours were not that it was from Amen Hotep again, rather somebody closer … she was pregnant from her own son.

Whether he initiated that or forced her, or whether she initiated it … is probably immaterial,

What was happening now was that Moses was going to have a brother who was also his son, which made him, I mean the brother, according to the hanky-panky of the time, second in line to the throne, after Joseph.

But this was not going to be easy. Declaring that pregnancy openly was not an option. So Tiye had a good plan …

 The story that is known in the Bible and the Qur’an that a child was put in a basket and let to drift in the current of the river is true, without the supernatural elements. But that child was not Moses, he was Aaron, who would become later Tutankhamun,

The water was from the Nile, but not the Nile itself. It must have been some stream that was artificially created, to water the gardens around the palace, and as a decorative element.

The ancient Egyptians were the masters of distortion of facts and identity theft. They knew that everything they recorded in their arts was going to be seen by the world for thousands of years to come, and they themselves were able to see the history of their ancestors of thousands of years before, so clear and well preserved.

For example, the name that I used for Moses’ mother, Tiye, was actually Joseph’s mother’s name, the royal wife of Amen Hotep. But Moses’ mother assumed that name for herself later, when she moved into the palace at a later stage and had the sculptor use that name on the statues that he made of her. She wanted her origin as a low class woman to be completely unknown in the future. But I’ll keep calling her Tiye anyway.

This tactic of distorting facts and changing of names was picked up by the Hebrew people later when they started recording their own history. They didn’t want all these details to be known, and most importantly they didn’t want Aaron to be known as the product of an incestuous relation.

But at that stage none of this was being recorded, and Moses had no plans yet of declaring himself a prophet, so all those events were written at a much later stage, perhaps over a hundred years, by a Hebrew people who were living far from all this, up in the North of Egypt,

Moses went to live with them at a later time in his late years, and established good relation with them, and it was them who saw in him the “prophet” that they wanted, and he had learned at that stage the “ten commandments” and other stuff. So it was there that the recording of all this started, and was taken as a word of mouth, perhaps from Moses and other people they met, hence the distortion and the hiding and the changing of names, to suit their aims,

The distortion of facts and the tampering with names might have helped them for a short time, but now it is backfiring. The Hebrew people cannot find a shred of evidence of their presence in Egypt, because the history that they wrote in the Torah was deliberately tampered to hide that history,

And Egypt is full of records of their history, but they cannot link this with that. 

 So the little child was picked up by the staff of the palace, and Amen Hotep knew exactly who it was, and it was under his instructions that the child be kept in the palace and looked after, and everyone was hush-hush about that.

There was political turmoil boiling over a period of time. The Hebrew people, many of whom were now wealthy landowners and tradesmen, wanted to have a say in the governance of Egypt, and wanted to be treated equal with the Egyptians, who were easily distinguishable by their look,

They had become a major economic and demographic power that could not be ignored anymore, and Amenhotep was all too aware of this, and had the difficult task of not letting this turn into a civil war in his country, and have his kingdom overtaken by immigrants,

On the other hand, he was sympathetic to their cause and had many friends amongst them, so he was trying to strike a balance by being open and accepting to them, and at the same time preserving the Egyptian aristocracy and tradition and religion.

 I’m sure the question crosses your mind: is all this the product of my imagination? Or is it just a clever reconstitution of events?

In the past even I used to ask myself this question,

How this process takes place: I have these visions, which can last minutes or can extend to days or a couple of weeks, during which I feel I’m in both places: here and there. And while I was there I was also seeing here, if you know what I mean. I call this two-way memory.

Then I look for evidence, to make sure that what I’m seeing is not mixed up with something else, because these visions can cross over a number of “times”,

So to my amazement I find the evidence too quickly. Of course there are details which would not be recorded, but the fact that the main components are proven makes me accept the details.

So for example, after writing that there was an artificial stream of water from the Nile running through the palace of Amen Hotep III, I thought to myself: I haven’t verified this?

And I had already posted that bit,

So I came home and I looked for information on that palace, and it turned out to be a known thing to archaeologists.

Is this a foolproof thing? Well, if you take an event and have two people witness it, then ask each of them separately to tell you what happened, you might get two completely different versions. So what I remember is my perspective of things, however general, or peculiar to me this is,

And I’m not special in anyway, you all could do this too, and I believe one day every human will have to remember his/her past lives, when the stars and the heavens are in certain positions, and if you believe in reincarnation you’ll rejoice, and if you do not you’ll panic and go crazy …

 I also believe that in the not-too-far future there is going to be archaeological evidence to a lot of things that have been said on COB, which will stun the world.

This is not my skill, expertise or smartness. Far from it. This is what the Mind has been training me to do since early childhood,

How many times have I seen myself in those moments of two-way memory, both points of which are in this life time? The purpose of it was for me to trust these visions. So the Global memory is verified by the linear one, and doubt is shredded to pieces.

Any one of you could do that. I believe most of us are offered to take or refuse this kind of training or something similar at early childhood. Perhaps it is my love of this Grand Creation that drives me to want to know how it works … so we keep coming back, because we want to know more, and we can never know … it is just too beautiful and too smart for our perspective of things … hence freedom from it is certainly in the Peace of the Mind, where the questions cease to be asked,

It is not sinful, as religions have told you, to have the curiosity to be in this world. So long as you have seen the Peace, and you know the road to your Mind, you can never drift too far away; they will call you if you did, and you will look back, in the midst of it, and that’s the best part of it.

And that’s what Joseph was able to do.

When he was seven or eight, he woke up one morning and ran to his father, who loved him very much, and said to him: bayee bayee shft bi naomy … (daddy daddy, I had a dream …),

And he told his father about those men who looked at him and greeted him, one by one. They looked weird and dressed weird. The vision was so clear, and as clear as physical vision.

And he described how they dressed and how they looked, then his father asked him: and what else did you see?

So he remembered that he also saw a huge sun, then the full moon rose fast and positioned itself in the middle of the sky.

So it was confirmed to his father that this boy was a messenger, because he had had a dream before hinting to him that a boy who would teach and read the Books would be born to him.

So his father said to him: “don’t tell anyone, especially your brothers”, alluding to Moses, who would be jealous of him.

But Joseph did not understand the significance of that dream, although it made him feel that he had to do something special,

And later in his life, he realised that those men were his own incarnations from future lives, who came to him to greet him and thank him for the great victory that he accomplished in this life.

 The culture and beliefs of aristocratic Egypt were built on superstition. Gods needed to be appeased, and those who were able to appease them had some skills to do that: the magicians.

Magicians were equivalent to the priests of today. But worse than today’s priests, these people used illusion to make people trust their powers, and their shows and ‘masses’ were about rituals and illusion … which the Pharaohs supported and encouraged …

The art of Egypt started back in the time I mentioned earlier when Abu Simbil was constructed, by the good prophets themselves. They carved it and polished and finished it. They designed its architecture which was in harmony with the heaven.

Those auras around the faces were not head dresses. They were auras only. Also the eye lining is not makeup, but this is how the prophets saw one another in early times of the creation.

So the pharaohs of later were fascinated by that and wanted to be immortalised by that style of art.

Moses broke that style and gave his sculptures life-like images, within the limits of the material available to him in Egypt.

The immigrants, on the other hand, were a mixed bag of ancient religions. The Hebrew were the major part of that mix, but there were also Africans from all directions. Egypt was the haven for those looking for work and loved the city life of then, like Western countries today.

The laws were strict about them, and did not give them much rights, even in business, they were restricted, and could own only small land, if the aristocracy allowed them.

Midian, on the other hand, was the small kingdom of the wise people, who believed they were the Israelites, i.e. the descendants of Jacob, the believers and strivers in God.

The Midianites had secret books of religion, which were written in their own language. The Books came from Iraq and Syrian, and were given originally to Abraham and his sons and grandsons.

So although Egypt, as opposed to Midian, followed Abraham, it was only theoretical, and all they had was their ancient religions re-written to accommodate Abraham.

And I see that Abraham and his descendants were not Hebrew and did not speak Hebrew, which is not unreasonable to think.

Joseph grew up in this confusion of beliefs and cultures. He noticed that his father did not follow his people’s faith strictly, but also found that his father needed a lot of education on such matters.

As a teenage boy, he started to see the falsehood of the Egyptians’ religion, he loathed their practices, he scorned their hypocrisy, and he ridiculed their irrationality …

He spent time watching the clear skies of the Egyptian skies at night, ornate with constellations of stars … and the rivers of the Milky Way …

He sat down for many nights watching the moon growing and going, and traced its trajectory in the sky …

He was awed by this order and beauty … and one day … said to himself: “My Lord, Thou hast created this by The Law … “

So he became aware that things happened according to their laws and causes, and there was no such a thing as demigods which did things willy-nilly.

And there was a belief that the mummies were still “alive”, awaiting to be resurrected. And that’s not completely alien to present monotheist belief, as I mentioned earlier. And many believed that the mummies would get up at night and walk around, and the grave yards were the places which inspired the imagination of horror stories …

So one night, he decided to go spend the night in those places, to see for himself the rise of the mummies at night …

In that vault he went, he had to dare his mind and go in there alone, expecting that those horrible things would arise and talk to him,

In such an eerie place, alone at night, the crawling of a cockroach can be heard, tens of meters away,

And the shadows created by the dim light of the night stars could be seen as a person walking,

But after a good hour or so of heavy breathing and listening to his heart pounding … he laughed at himself, because the only alive things there were the snakes and the cockroaches.

 Joseph’s main and perhaps only interest was knowledge. He wanted to understand the Books and to learn the philosophy of ancient times. Something inside him told him that it was right,

He was so keen to put his hands on the Books of the Midianites, but firstly he had to learn to read that script, and he had no access to them.

On the other hand, the bickering that was going on in the palace, about all kinds of matters, including the succession to the throne, made him bored and sick. He was not interested in it.

At one point he befriended his half-brother Moses, and liked his talents and special intelligence, but an incident happened turned him off completely, and made him realise that Moses was not to be his close friend, as he had hoped:

Moses took him with a bunch of his friends: all were teenage kids, on a night out of a special kind, in the slums of their quarter. They went to a brothel which Moses and his friends frequented, and wanted Joseph to join them, and his refusal to join in was seen by them as childish and pansy, and they made fun of him,

And before going back home, they smudged the front of his dress with some stuff, and when they went back to the palace Moses said to his father: “look at Joseph’s semen on his shirt, we couldn’t stop him”,

Moses wanted to tarnish the holy image that Amen Hotep had of his son. And Joseph was so upset and disappointed that he made a big effort to break the barriers between him and his half-brother, and broke all the rules of royalty by going out and mixing with the slaves, and was hoping that this could ease the tension about all sorts of matters … and this was the outcome of his good will …

This was probably the straw which broke the camel’s back. Joseph had wanted to get out of the palace which began to feel to him like a big jail. And he did not want to waste his life in pursuing a political career, and was losing interest in this life style of nightly entertainment, with the company of people who sucked up to him,

And the new baby which was adopted by the palace, and now being nursed by his natural mother Tiye on the premises of the palace … all that seemed to him like a cocktail of trouble which he did not want to be a part of.

And he did have long conversations with his father about this complex situation, and he told his father that it was the beliefs of his people and the immigrants which were the source of all these tensions,

And he had seen the shows of the illusionists who made the people think that god was on their side, performing “miracles” to show god’s approval of the Pharaoh. And he told his father that this was wrong, and power over the people could not be earned by exploiting their naivety and irrationality. And he told his father that he should sack all the illusionists around him and let them go to hell, without compensation or any form of glorification,

But all those were tough choices for Amen Hotep, although he was able to make sense of them.

So Joseph had another plan. He decided to run away from the palace and try to get to Midian, where could learn the Books of the Midianites, and stay away from the unfolding crisis at his father’s palace,

His only regret was his mother whom he loved, and his little brother Horem Heb, and a few other relatives with whom he had good and genuine ties. But that was not to stop him,

He got himself dressed as a common slave and went that day to the slave market, and offered himself for sale,

The softness of his skin and his long and beautiful black hair, and a good looking face, made him attractive to a childless couple from Midian, who were looking to buy a young man to help them in their farm,

But Joseph looked like they could adopt him and let him live with them as their own child, on top of helping them in the farm,

So they bought him. And on the long journey in the desert to Midian, all sorts of thoughts crossed his mind: am I doing the right thing? Is it OK to leave my father? Will I find what I want there? And those people that I left, I will miss them, and what will they think?

 It was a relief for him to live in an ordinary home, made of clay, and wooden roofs, and a small space for him to sleep on a mattress of straw. And old memories came back to him, a thousand years before or perhaps more, when his name was Zimran, and he left the luxury of his father’s house to live in a hut alone, and his father used to visit him and one day he asked him: my son, why do you sleep on a mattress of straw and I am wealthy and I have the best mattress for you made of wool,

And he would answer: the discomfort of the body is comfort to the soul,

And he would ask him: my son, what are you bowing to, I can’t see anything in front of you, and he would answer: I bow to the Light.

So he felt that those events were happening again under new heavens.

His adopting father, let’s name him Naem, was kind to him, although he wanted him to work hard in the farm. He would tell him to eat more so he could become strong, because he noticed that his body needed to be toughened,

He would sit with him in the evening and tell him prophet stories which he knew from the Books of the Midianites, and he would say that their prophets were the real ones, unlike the Egyptian gods, and Joseph agreed completely, and told him that he wanted to learn to read their language so he could read those Books himself,

So Naem taught him as much as he could, and the language of the Midianites was not completely foreign to him, according to archaeology it was the language of ancient Iraq, which was of Semitic origin, like the language of the Egyptians, and it was only the characters that were different.

But soon Joseph became conversant in that language, in reading, writing, pronunciation, and talking, and what’s more, he was able to understand passages and sentences in those Books which had puzzled the Midianites,

And Naem, being a well-known man in his community, told his friends about him, many of whom were derisive, and they said: since when can an Egyptian slave tell us how to read our Books?

And he started to realise that many of those prophet stories were reduced to fairytales and supernatural intervention in human life, and the story of the prophet of ancient Sumer unto whom the deity descended from the heavens to teach him wisdom was no one else but him, Joseph in a past life,

He remembered that he used to lie down on the ground in the open space, facing the sky, on moonless nights, to watch the star constellations and the movements of the heavenly objects … and he was dazzled …

The nightly sky seemed to him like the alpha of the earth and the life on it, as in being its causer and director. And at times he could even see the faces of those Causes, in their different moods and energies, and everything that existed, he realised, could have an image in this world, which could materialise in different places and times,

And he wrote about his experience with them symbolically, which was reduced by interpreters later as supernatural stuff,

And he remembered that he identified the positions of those “Causes” in the skies by the stars which embodied them, and he named them all,

And today’s astrology, although incorrectly interpreted, is all owed to him, and so is the 365-day calendar and time divisions of year, month, weak  … etc …  which were set back then and are still being used.

So it had been a few years now, and he’d settled comfortably in that place, and learned a lot and remembered a lot,

Until, one day, his adopting mother came to him while Naem was away, and offered herself to him,

And Joseph’s immediate answer was: you call me son, and I’ve taken you as my mother, how can I do that?

So he was upset, and now he had to watch every move he made in the house, and he also had to keep Naem completely unaware of what had happened …

So it was time for him to move on, he was thinking …

 His literacy and numeracy skills were now the best that anyone could have. So he decided to apply for a job at the palace of Ay, as a  … I don’t want to use the word “writer”, because it means something else today …

But this is the sort of people those rulers used; people who could read and write diplomatic correspondence and official records, and of course do accounting for them. And they would be consulted in financial matters …

And he told Naem about his intention, and Naem was one of the frequent visitors of the palace, and a close … perhaps relative … of Ay.

Ay was the ruler of that community, and the father of Nefertiti, the famous beautiful woman, whose face was immortalised later by Moses.

Ay had also good ties with Amen Hotep III, the latter was doing everything in his diplomatic skills and power to avoid a takeover of his kingdom by the Hebrew slaves, and he was beginning to see that either of Moses or Aaron could play a role in that,

 So although Naem was sad to see him go, he was at the same time happy for him to progress and find a good life for himself, and he was still seeing him frequently,

I believe a famous statue called “the writer” is a statue of Joseph. Because he impressed everyone by his writing and arithmetic skills,

For example, they used to have a problem with estimating the area of land on the slopes of a hill. So he devised a system using trigonometric ratios, which were not known by this time yet, to estimate fairly accurately the area of the land, once it had been  terraced for building,

 He also devised the two-entry book keeping system. This does not necessarily mean that those ideas were passed down from those times to later civilisations. Such ideas crossed the good minds of many people in many cultures.

But he found himself in trouble once again with women, when Nefertiti made advances to him. And this was going to be a scene from a sensual paradise, with a royal young and beautiful woman inviting a young man to share a sauna with her, in the mist of the aromas of the flowers of the Nile, and the elegance of alabaster,

But with two forces fighting inside him, that of a promise of pleasure, and that of awareness …  of the brevity of life … and of true pleasure in freedom from physical ties … and at some moments he was about to give in to pleasure … until … the Light shone bright to him, and he was killed immediately, and martyred at the Altar of The Truth, and in a euphoria of Existence, he begged his Lord forgiveness, and thanked him for lifting him up.

And this was a moment for him to remember many times later in his lives. And Guru Nanak had only to remember this moment, to be able to reconcile the Ghita with the Qur’an,

After he was married and had perhaps two children, and after studying and believing both Books, he was having difficulty with finding common grounds between the call to celibacy in the Ghita, and the laws of marriage and sexual relations in the Qur’an,

Until he woke up to that moment upon reading it eloquently written in the Qur’an in the Surah of Joseph,

Thus he said to his disciples: there is no Ghita and Qur’an, there is only one Book.

 But Joseph was seen by one of the servants at the palace coming out of that bathroom, where Nefertiti was also seen naked, and the news reached Ay too quickly, and Joseph was escorted by two guards to Ay’s main office,

And he was questioned like a criminal. He answered every question, briefly and truthfully, and when the questions were repeated he repeated the same answers.

But Ay found it incredible that he was with her naked, and nothing had happened, so Ay decided to consult Akhnaten.

Akhnaten was the highest religious figure in that community, although no one knew who he really was. Akhnaten was our Master the Messiah.

He also consulted Naem, and Naem defended Joseph fervently. He said: I trusted him with my wife as much as I would trust my own son,

But there was a belief then, which has survived to our days in different shapes and forms, that women were deceitful and inferior to men, intellectually and in every way,

So Naem reminded Ay that if a man’s version of an event was different from a woman’s then the man’s must be correct, just because the Books said so.

Then Akhnaten called Joseph to question him. At that point Joseph had no idea who Akhnaten was, but he had to kneel before him according to the traditions of the Midianites,

Joseph told Akhnaten his version of events,

But looking into his eyes, Akhnaten knew in whose presence he was, so he said to him: you always step in places where you should not,

And he told him to come to see him daily for a while, because he had some advice to give him,

So Joseph came to Aknaten everyday for around two weeks, during which Akhnaten spoke to him,

Joseph at that point knew in whose presence he was, and almost memorised every word of that discourse,

Akhnaten told Ay to isolate Joseph, and not to allow him to leave the palace until further notice, because he had some work to do.

So Joseph went in isolation to contemplate the teaching that Akhnaten had given him, and to write it down for everyone to read it in a future time,

That discourse is often delivered to Joseph and gets lost, because people are more interested in following their passions than seeking knowledge and freedom from passions,

So they misinterpret it, they forget it, they lose it, and worst of all: they mistrust it,

And this is when it is lifted from their hands, and rewritten so it might find listening ears somewhere else, once again.

But lies had to be exposed. And Nefertiti, after time had passed, and after she had qualms about what happened,  she told Ay that Joseph told only the truth, and that it was her who made the advances,

And when the news spread, she invited a group of prominent women, and arranged with her servants to make Joseph pass by where they were meeting,

And when they saw him they realised that they were looking at a holy man, and they decided to stop the gossip.

So years had gone by now, and little Aaron was a young man in his late teens, and both Joseph and Moses were mature men,

Amen Hotep was having serious problems in keeping order in his kingdom after many incidences of rebellion by the slaves. And he still had not decided who should succeed him to the throne.

Moses was telling him that Joseph was dead and that he should not wait for him anymore,

And Joseph’s mother was dead now, and one of his aunts, to whom he was close, had heard the news of him being in Midian, and she started corresponding with him, begging him to come back to save his father and the kingdom of Egypt from major disaster,

 Moses came to Midian perhaps twice or three times,

The first time was when he was looking for shelter, after he had killed a prominent Egyptian man, and the man’s relatives were seeking revenge,

But it was probably Amen Hotep who advised him to seek shelter in Midian. Ay was his friend, and Amen Hotep was hoping that Moses would marry Ay’s daughter Nefertiti, in order to establish ties between the two separate kingdoms.

And it was love at first sight, and Nefertiti became engaged to Moses.

The second time was when he went with his young son/brother Aaron, seeking knowledge and enlightenment,

And when they met with Joseph, Moses pretended that he did not know him. But Joseph knew him and recognised Aaron, and remembered their past lives as well that time, and it became clear to him who they were,

So he told them as much as they could understand, he told them that they would be born in a future time as father and son, and that Moses would offer wine to the Messiah, and that Aaron would die on a cross, and his body would be wrapped like a mummy, until the birds tore up its top and ate its head,

And when he asked what he should do to progress his knowledge, Akhnaten gave him the Ten Commandments,

So in order to show respect and appreciation, he carved them on tablets and told Akhnaten that he would keep them wherever he went,

So the mount of the Amarna was the mount where Moses met his Lord this time, and it was there that he was given the Ten Commandments,

As for the previous time, when he was in Mount Light, that is Jerusalem, this was perhaps two thousand years before that, and he was named then Moses the son of Imran in the Book of Hamzah,

There The Lord spoke to the whole of humanity, but it was Moses’ lack of vision that he thought that the speech was coming from a rock,

Hence the Qur’an said: “and God spoke to Moses by speech”, because those who believed witnessed.

 Moses started to realise that his people could not elevate their social status unless they forwent their heathenry and adopted new civil laws and traditions, and he was hoping that they should outdo the Egyptians and their superstitions,

And he had seen the rituals of the Egyptian illusionists and ridiculed them,

And during one of his stays in Midian he and Joseph discussed this matter, and Aaron was also totally outraged by the Egyptians’ rituals of false magic, and at this stage the three had become friends, and started discussing the issues of the Hebrew as well as the Egyptians openly,

And Joseph expressed to both of them his disinterest in succeeding his father on the throne, and Amen Hotep was becoming old and acting irrationally sometimes.

The correct chronological sequence of the events that I’m recounting now is probably inaccurate, but those events did take place, nevertheless, during a period of time,

In Surah of Joseph, one verse, in some cases, narrates events which were many years apart,

In one of his visits to Midian, Moses was formally wedded to Nefertiti, after an engagement which lasted many years, during which Nefertiti was very anxious and thought at one point that Moses was never going to wed her.

Joseph decided to go back to Egypt to try to persuade his father to adopt the new religion, to throw away the old traditions and rituals, to abandon all the Egyptian demigods, and to call his people to worship one God, and this was in complete accordance with Abraham’s religion, if the latter was interpreted correctly,

And that under the new religion, all the people would be equal and would have equal rights, and all would be citizens of Egypt, and that it was God only who judged the people,

And that no one could claim anymore to be descendants of Jacob, whether Egyptian or Midianite, and that all people were Abiders in God, if they believed,

But Amen Hotep was not too keen on changing his people’s beliefs, although he was able to see their bewilderment. And the Egyptian aristocratic lobby was too strong, and given his sons from extra-marital affairs, he was in a weak position, and such a task required a ruler, who was in full command of his affairs,

And Tiye had moved now into the palace and declared herself the royal wife of Amen Hotep and managed to erase every mention of his late wife from every artefact in the palace,

So the three went to Amen Hotep, and showed him their solidarity about this matter, but he was not very cooperative, and Moses and Aaron were too rough with him and had never spoken with him respectfully anyway,

So Amen Hotep was apprehensive, and Joseph found himself in an awkward position, having to go against his father,

But he had his younger brother Horem Heb who was proving to be a military commander of the highest order, and Joseph was hoping to have him installed as the next Pharaoh because he could not see that either of Moses or Aaron were up to the job,

Horem  Heb used to keep a cheetah in the palace as a pet, which he had caught in one of his safari trips in middle Africa,

He was a good soldier and a man of leisure, although was very open to the new religion, and believed Joseph,

So Joseph went and spoke with Moses about a magic ritual which was scheduled, and he told Moses about a trick that those magicians did to appear to the people that they had supernatural powers, and he told him to carry a stick and to throw it at a certain point where some strings held certain objects, as a part of the illusion, and he told him exactly at what point in the course of the ritual to do that,

So all the dignitaries had gathered to attend the ritual, and came the illusionists, and Amen Hotep was attending as usual, and as the ritual progressed, Joseph signalled to Moses to do his part and he did, and the show fell apart, to the horror of the illusionists and the complete shock of the  onlookers,

So some started saying: I knew all along that this was just trickery,

And some were saying: our gods have abandoned us,

And they were terrified. As for Amen Hotep, he later ordered the execution of that magician and his assistants, saying that they were frauds,

By doing that he thought he could save his face and retain some authority,

But as the news spread, and the slaves knew about what happened, they started feeling less fearful of Amen Hotep’s magicians, and rebellion and revolution were at the Pharaoh’s doors steps now.

It was difficult at that time to put any of his sons in charge of the kingdom, and he was becoming very ill, so he decided to have Ay as an interim ruler, until the crisis had abated.

 Moses became a celebrity overnight after that incident, and now he started carrying a cane wherever he went, and in the eyes of his people he was now the more powerful magician, and this earned him reverence and respect,

With his beard now long, and hair let loose, he was a contrast with the Egyptians, who shaved their heads and beards,

So Joseph reminded him that the purpose of this was not to replace old magicians by new ones, but to teach the people that things happened according to their causes, but Moses gave no heed to this, he was enjoying the fame and often said that this was the only way he could teach his people anything,

So he went to their gatherings and they would stop him wherever they came across him, and he told them that he had a message from Yahweh, and that He is the Highest in the Highs, The Creator of everything and that nothing was equal to Him,

So he showed them the tablets as proof of the message, and when they asked him, he would say that Yahweh gave the tablets to him, and when they asked him he said that He showed His Light onto him on the mount and gave him the tablets and that He asked him to teach the ten commandments to his people, for Him to be pleased and so that He would reward them in this life and in the hereafter,

But his people were sceptic by their nature, and only a few of them believed him, and most would ask him sarcastically: so can god show himself to us like he did to you so we may believe?

And they would ask him about the commandments: so what does it mean exactly, how can you not lie and not steal and commit adultery and so on?

And those questions have persisted in the minds of many people today, and people who continue to debate what is honesty, integrity, sincerity … and so on … the way I see them, they are people who want to continue practising all kinds of vices, and need a definition of virtues which allows them to do that,

And the complex situations they talk about, whereby whatever action you do is marred with imperfection or puts you in danger … and they take these situations and dwell on them, and as if god is this prosecution who will put people on the witness stand and ask his questions and wants only yes or no answers …

People who are honest, and who have not lost their humanity do not have these complexes and do not have those fears, fears of a god who is a policeman whose only goal is to throw as many people as he can in jail,

When people fail to see Justice in this world nothing will help them, they search in fear of their definitions of justice, to find only injustice, and they can never have peace.

And his people wanted to be initiated when they accepted his message, so Moses made them repeat some sentences which Akhnaten had taught him, and once they did he congratulated them and told them: now you are an Israelite: one who strove in God,

So this was the Covenant of the people of Israel.

And Moses wanted them to mix with the Midianites, to pick up their social traditions, manners, dress code etc … so they would be respected by the Egyptians and the Midianites,

But only a small minority believed, and the rest just wanted Moses to lead a revolution against the Pharaoh, and if adopting the new religion was going to progress that, they were happy to do it.

And they would ask him: will god support us in our war against the Pharaoh if we adopted your religion? And he would answer by saying yes.

And Moses asked Joseph, he said: the people ask me how can they see god? And Joseph answered him: tell them they can only see a Glimpse of His Light through a hole in their vision, so Moses said: what kind of hole? And Joseph answered: it is a circular hole, bright, pleasing the viewer,

So Moses went and told this to his people, but the mockery he received was stronger than any serious interest,

So Moses went back to Joseph and asked him again: so what do you mean exactly? So Joseph repeated what he had said, and added that it could be seen in one’s vision, not too high and nor too low, as if it was an afternoon sun,

But Moses’ people were more outraged,

And the word hole in that ancient language also meant a cow, so when he realised that they were not going to listen to what he said, and especially that he himself was struggling in making sense of it … he decided to use the other meaning of the word, and said to them: just slaughter a cow, and this will please god, so they did.

 Aaron during this period felt marginalised, and envied his brother Moses for the fame and the attention that he was receiving, and Moses was not willing to introduce him as a co-messenger in anyway, although he had some ideas which were as good and perhaps better than Moses’,

And having been brought up in the palace, and now living in the slums with his people, he thought he had both perspectives, and he thought that the system of government should be preserved and that the Hebrew people should be part of it, and he saw himself as the best candidate for the Pharoahship of Egypt,

So he was going around doing his own campaigning, spreading the new religion in the way that he understood it, although he always made sure to assert his complete allegiance to his brother Moses.

As the news spread that Ay had moved to Egypt and became an interim ruler, quite a few Midianites migrated to Egypt, in search for work and business opportunities;  that city with its huge population and complex structure had a unique culture, and many loved city life,

The Midianites were encouraged to mix with the Hebrew people, as the Egyptian aristocracy were less open, and this mixing of cultures started to take place gradually.

The political turmoil at the level of government and the lobbying that was going on was not unlike what you see today in the politics of the Middle East, of trickery and deception and dishonesty … and the beating about the bush … in senseless arguments and slander campaigns and a complete lack of a good intent to sort the problems out …

But when the world has to change it will change, and if people do not go along with the change they freeze themselves in the past and live in hope,

And it is not easy for political, social, economic … analysts to work out why certain things happen at a particular time. Those come up with different theories based on their understanding of things, and convince themselves that their theories are as good as can be,

Major changes in human life are driven by movements of heavenly objects, solar flares and so forth … all of which are signals of changes at higher levels and a downpour of “energy”, which set the mode of consciousness for a new trial …

Our recent and well recorded history provides ample examples: the Renaissance, the French and American revolutions, and recently the Sixties … and it is up to the people to use the “energy” in a constructive or destructive way …

And there are times when time stops. During this people feel that they are not here, but conscious nevertheless. Is this what the Mayan Calendar points to? Perhaps yes. But when exactly this will happen is in no one’s knowledge. And perhaps it was not for nothing that it was called in the Qur’an in Arabic: as-saa3ah which now means the clock. And when they come back they will wonder what exactly happened and many will pretend that it was all imaginary and will ignore it and pretend that it never happened. And how the world will “feel” afterwards is anyone’s guess. But this is not to be confused with the return of the point of the compass to its beginning, ending a cycle of existence, and time is only one component of existence.

People can live happily in this world, and learn a lot from it. This is a house of learning as the Book of Hermes puts it. And if people can see The Law which rules the world, they can be happy in it.

And every time the world is undergoing change people panic and cling to their hopes which are born in ignorance, and they get disappointed, and they beg their Lord to give them another chance.

And the world was changing during that time in Egypt and around the world. And around the same time, Gautama The Buddha also came, and taught similarly, and humanity had to make the effort of seeing the cause and effect of every eventuality, and understand its responsibility …

But thousands of years have gone by now, and many still cling to superstitions, and wait for their gods and angels to salvage them, and if no Faith or Reasoning has been able to conquer the darkness of their souls, then an end must be imminent.

This was the understanding that Moses and Aaron failed to convey to their people, because Moses and Aaron were still thinking that the political dominance of their people will insure a happy and dignified life for them,

Not unlike all the warring tribes of the world today. They think that the toppling of a leader and the instatement of another or the victory over an enemy …  will guarantee happiness and a good life for them. But when this does happen, they soon wake up to that not much has changed, so they repeat the mistake again and again and again … so long as the ailments are still in their own minds and souls.

So, with short vision, some will ask: so you want us to leave Hitler alone and let him rampage?

Of course not. But the question should be asked: what was it that paved the way for Hitler’s rampage?

And if you ask anyone to take a look at what was happening in Europe at that time: the greed of the major powers and their competition over the dominance in the oceans, and the defeat and humiliation of Germany in WWI … you will be accused of being a Hitler sympathiser. 

Lunatics can cause a lot of disruption, but they can do it only if they can find listening ears: on both sides that is,

And the ears will listen to the lunatics, on either side that is, when the ears can resonate with the words of lunatics,

 I cannot, and even if I could I would not, go into the detail of what was happening then. It is of no significance.

There was power struggle, and different groups were fighting over the throne and the wealth of Egypt.

The Surah of Joseph in the Qur’an hints to the turmoil and the conspiracies which were going on,

 A particular incident is seen by the Free Masons as being of major significance and is enacted and used as a ritual by them, who believe that Joseph and Moses were two of the major figures of Free Masonry at that time. It was when a coup d’état was executed by Joseph and his disciples to remove the interim ruler and his associates, and to instate Horem Heb as a Pharaoh, Joseph came to a meeting masked, and perhaps many up to that time still hadn’t recognised him and he never told anyone who he was, and he … somehow greeted the people who did not recognise him … then he removed Ay … then he took off his mask … then … from the position of being the first in line to the throne … he said that he instated Horem Heb his brother as a Pharaoh …

Perhaps if someone is a Free Mason of a rank where such “secrets” are known could come forward and tell us what they know about that incident. Mind you, their information could be distorted.

What followed after that was that Akhnaten came to Egypt, with two of his Brothers, and Joseph said to those who believed, and now it had been many years since his teaching was being spread by believers amongst Egyptians, Hebrew and other slaves and Midianites:

“Take my shirt/image, lay it on my Father’s Countenance, He comes looking” (quotation from the Qur’an),

How can this be explained? I guess I have to refer you to a passage from the Book of Hamzah, with my added notes in italics:

“So we [Hamzah and his Brothers]  have more right and are in a better position to allow the veiling and to speak and say [His Word], for He, transcends He, has veiled Himself in a person who is a speaker and [who is] knowledgeable, chosen out of His chosen ones [the people of light],”

So if the people of the Books, including the Free Masons, and the Druze who believe Hamzah’s Word, interpret this as some supernatural phenomenon, or some divine intervention and embodiment, or some magic … what can I say, it is still a long time perhaps until humanity can vision the Human (Nasoot) and the Divine (Lahoot),

But in the meantime, their arguments should be based on rational basis, because there is no other means of knowledge for humans; and humans, unlike other forms of life, are endowed with the capability of rational thinking in order to reach such truths,

And the secrecy will not appease any god and will not help them expand their minds, but to the contrary it requires of them to accept irrational arguments without logical and philosophical scrutiny.

And the verses of the Qur’an about Joseph “putting his parents on the throne” refers to putting his Father Akhnaten, and his Brothers …  and they wore the insignia which identified them,  and those who believed witnessed them and recognised them.

But Moses and Aaron were not happy with that; they thought that Joseph’s actions were meant to isolate and alienate them, and to install the Medianites in the seat of power,

Far from it. So, Joseph felt he had to do a lot of talking with his half brothers, and he had hoped that they would welcome the change of “religion” of Egypt, and after all, they were spreading that religion themselves, if they were honest about it …

But it was power and dominance that they were more interested in, and they started plotting their own plots,

And things got more complicated when Horem Heb expressed his disinterest in being a Pharaoh, and wanted to pursue his military career, especially that there were foreign powers preparing to invade, upon hearing about the lack of order in Egypt.

At the same time, Aaron was plotting to be the future Pharaoh, under the name of Tut Ankh Amun.

So the Hebrew people were still feeling insecure with the Egyptians and the Midianites still being in command, and the rebellion hence did not end, but to the contrary, it increased, and it was threatening the unity and security of the whole nation, with acts of lawlessness and violence and mass killing being perpetrated against the aristocracy and the people who supported them, and sometimes the riots reached the palace.

It is perhaps this difficult period which is described in the Bible and the Qur’an as the period during which God avenged for the believers and made the Egyptians and the Pharaoh suffer from plagues and insect infestations and so on …

And those who believe in supernatural stuff hasten to say that the Hebrew people did not get any of that. And recently somebody came up with a theory that the sanitary practices of the Jewish people saved them from contracting some contagious diseases,

At that point in time, not all the Hebrew people had followed the new religion, and even if they did, those rules of sanitation were introduced later, and were a result of interpretation,

And as I mentioned earlier, difficult times are usually associated with natural disasters and so on … so here I am saying that we should not take this as a supernatural phenomenon, rather a physical phenomenon which will one day be explicable by natural laws.

And in the world today, there are almost daily news about natural disasters and accidents and breakout of diseases … of all proportions, which do not seem to distinguish between any groups of people, and moreover, those things are happening also to the very people who say that this is god’s punishment to their enemies …

So what was written in the Bible hundreds or perhaps thousands of years after those events took place must not be taken seriously.

 This was probably the first “revolution” in history, because it predated Spartacus. Oppressed people will rise, sooner or later, and the human spirit cannot be crushed, and as said in COB: if driven to the edge, it edges its drive, and a genie comes out of the bottle, capable of miracles,

And history is full of ancient as well as recent stories of revolt of the oppressed against the oppressor,

And history is also full of stories of tyranny coming back in a new shape and form, and those who were oppressed before become themselves oppressors, and everything is back to square one,

And that is because humans seem to have difficulty with accepting a very simple law, and that is all humans are born equal, and have equal rights of living on this planet and using its resources,

But people invent ideologies and religions and so forth to tell others that they have an upper hand, and they are better than the others,

And worse still, when this is backed up by some divine element, saying that god permitted this,

And when god “permits” this, they feel they have a licence to be cruel and unjust, saying that god wants them to be so!

And you often hear them say: they caused it to themselves,

After committing cruel acts against others,

Can you see the absurdity of such a statement? It means effectively that they are god. Because it is them who are judging and punishing and deciding who should live and should die, and who should suffer and who should live happily,

Gosh, you’d think that after thousands of years of human education somebody woke up to this insanity and said it out loud: no one on earth speaks or acts on behalf of God.

So the injustice of the Egyptians, and their arrogance and cruelty, earned them a lot of hatred from their slaves and lower classes, and now by natural laws those were attacking them in their homes, killing them and their children, and on the streets, occupying their properties and land … to avenge, and the cycle of attacks and counter-attacks continued for a long time …

 There was a time when the situation became unliveable, and the Pharaoh’s army was planning a major counter-attack on the slaves’ slums, and many were going to be slain, and homes were going to be burnt or destroyed, and Joseph found out, and told Moses to gather all those who wanted to follow him and migrate across the sea, to now Arabia or now Palestine/Israel and Jordan,

And he told them that this would be their journey of salvation and freedom from the Pharaoh, in the land of the prophets of ancient times,

The exact route of the journey is not easy to track, but at some stage they had to cross a part of the Red Sea, to the other side of the Sinai desert, and perhaps they did have boats at the start to cross the sea to the western side of Sinai at first,

But the boats would’ve been left behind, and now they had nothing,

And a miracle had to happen, not by divine intervention, but by human knowledge,

Joseph had had a vision of a total eclipse of the sun at sunset …  or perhaps sunrise, and that a low tide caused by it made the water recede to a level never seen before,

So upon observing the moon at night towards its final days, he was able to work out the day on which this was going to occur, and he told Moses about that, and what it meant in terms of being able to cross that part of the Red Sea on foot, to cut their journey short,

So there was another chance for Moses to prove his magical capability, and understandably, his people would not have been able to understand the phenomenon, and even he was struggling with it,

If you’ve witnessed this phenomenon, it’s amazing, you’d see the water shrinking and drawing so quickly, to the point that the fish and other sea animals find it hard to stay in it, and many are left on the ground dying,

So those people were stunned by what they saw, and Moses now had another reason to celebrate as a prophet and a magician for his people, and they journeyed into those lands and looked for new homes for themselves,

And on the way, and now that they had believed, and had performed a holy journey, they had listening ears, and were prepared to learn a lot from Joseph via Moses,

How did Joseph stay unnoticed or unknown in all this, and why didn’t the Books mention him as a part of it? I don’t know, but this is what seems to be the case most of the times, he manages somehow to evade the spot light, by directing it unto somebody else, because the laws of this world perhaps require this …

And, was his vision of the eclipse divine intervention, or was the mere coincidence of the eclipse and the Hebrew people crossing the see at that point in time … divine intervention?

But what is divine intervention anyway? If the divine is in everything, it is not intervention. People call it intervention because they believe that the world is run by them, and then god steps in …

The other way to look at it: the knowledge of anything is divine.

 So Aaron stayed in Egypt and the situation deteriorated, and Aknaten was still trying to get the different parties to agree on a new form of rule which gave everyone equal rights,

And the nightly attacks on the houses of the Egyptians continued, and people would wake up in the morning to find their children slain in their beds, and they started pressuring the authorities to do something, because the attacks on the slaves’ quarter didn’t achieve much,

The hatred which had been building up for hundreds of years was too strong to be contained by diplomacy,

And how many stories did the Hebrew people tell about their own children being slain or maimed for the smallest of errors, and sometimes even without one.

Aaron did not want to see Akhnaten there for too long. He was anxious that his chances of becoming a Pharaoh would be diminished, and according to historians he was handed the Pharaohship over by Ay,

To me it is more likely that Aaron just took over somehow, amidst the anarchy and the fear of more of it,

And while Akhnaten was acknowledged by some for who he was, Aaron didn’t believe any of that and thought that he could do a better job in controlling the situation,

Aaron thought that by becoming a Pharaoh, the mobs would settle down, because of his lineage to the Hebrew people,

He realised that his people, as well as the Egyptians, were unable to understand the teaching that Akhnaten and Josef were teaching, and he had other plans in mind,

How he ascended the throne is … a mystery.

Historians have been led to believe that he was the son of Akhnaten, but Akhnaten was never married. Akhnaten is a theological title that the followers of Moses gave to Moses after his death, and engraved it on his tomb. A lot of tampering happened; I believe it was aimed at covering up the actual parentage of Aaron, and to give the title of Akhnaten to Moses.

Also: is it possible that the true pronunciation of Amon, the ancient Egyptian diety, is Aaron? Or visa versa perhaps?

But the fact that historians see Tutankhamun’s reign as the “new kingdom” and the “golden kingdom” suggests that he was able to restore order and reconcile the warring parties.

When the Hebrew people asked Moses to make statues for them to worship, so they could have their own gods like the Egyptians, he got angry at them, as told the Qur’an, and he told them that they shouldn’t follow the footsteps of the Egyptians,

But it seems that Aaron had no other choice but to do something about that,

While Moses was away he asked them to donate their gold, so he could get the best craftsman to build with it a new totem which he put on a wooden box, that was called later the Ark of the Covenant,

And the name was because he put in it the tablets, which included the Ten Commandments and the actual text of the Covenant, and he said to them that that Ark had superpowers because of the holy stuff in it,

In his opinion this was the only way he could get them to declare their allegiance to him as a Pharaoh, and thus he was able to earn their loyalty. And he did treat them as citizens of Egypt and gave them a lot of civil rights,

And they were starting to complain that the new religion did not bring them any good and that god did not help them.

In the mean time, Moses was having his own problems with many of those who followed him to Palestine/Israel/Jordan. According to the Qur’an they were complaining about the lack of food, and perhaps the fertile banks of the Nile were more sufficing to them,

So Moses got angry again with them and told them to go back to Egypt, and at this point he probably left them and went back to Egypt,

And in the mean time, the new religion and philosophy was spreading in that part of the world, although it did not have the symbolism and the decorative style of Judaism yet,

And that’s another thing which has backfired on the Hebrew people today: when they search in that land, they rarely find anything of significance, when, if their version of history is correct, it should be littered with their ancient ruins,

But they identify Judaism by the synagogues and certain symbols and statues and things, and this in fact has nothing to do with Judaism, and as you shall see later, it was all introduced later by particular tribes for the purpose of having exclusive ownership of the religion,

And the famous Dead Sea Scrolls are a testimony to the existence of Judaism in that land, which the current Jews do not see as “Jewish”, simply because of the decorative reasons that I’ve just mentioned.

 So at some point Moses came back to reunite with his wife Nefertiti, and to check things out, and he was infuriated when he saw that Aaron, now Tut Ankh Amon (Tut), with huge heavenly titles, and a tinge of godliness, and most importantly, with a totem for the Hebrew people to worship,

So he went to where the Ark of the Covenant (AOC) was kept, and found the tablets inside it, and he got mad at his son/brother, and dragged him from his hair and … perhaps hit him,

And Tut started saying: don’t do that in full view of the people, especially the Egyptians,

But it was too late, the AOC was already in the hearts and minds of many Hebrew people who had chosen Tut as their god, and they resented Moses for what he did.

Tut lived in luxury, as a king in legends, and he built new places for himself, and used to show himself to his people masked, to frighten and awe them, wearing extravagant clothes, gilt with gold … and the Hebrew people used to say that at last someone from them had become so powerful and wealthy, and this was a model for them to follow for many many generations to come,

So a rift had already started to form, between those who followed Tut and those who followed Moses.

At some stage Moses felt disappointed and left unrecognised, so he decided to go to the Hebrew tribes who were settled in the northern part of Egypt, around the delta and on the coasts, all the way to now Libya,

So he left his beloved wife again, and he headed north,

His reputation had reached those people so they felt honoured to host him, and there he felt appreciated, and his cane was revered, and he spoke as a prophet to a people who believed him, and he had a lot to tell them, and they were all listening,

There, he developed his law, which covered a lot of things, from sanitation and health to civil laws, and this was not written anywhere yet and was just a word of mouth,

Those people spoke a dialect of Hebrew which was slightly different from Moses’, but him and they were able to communicate easily, and those people felt that they were the first Jews, and he married one of their women while there.

In the meantime, Tut was starring as a Pharaoh, but an incident happened, which is mentioned in the Qur’an as a warning which came to him about the deification of himself, when a kind of a balcony that he was standing on collapsed and got him stuck between huge stones, and his hip bone was broken,

It was an accident he never recovered from, and although he came alive out of it, he was limping for the rest of his life, and at one stage he was on a kind of wheel chair.

So if you ask me what was Joseph teaching and to whom at that time. Most of the lessons he gave to his disciples were not written, but were delivered as a discourse. The closest thing to it would be the Dharma of the Buddha, because it was him also who delivered it in the Far East, perhaps in the life which followed that one,

And his disciples were from all the walks of life and some were masters of crafts and wealthy people, and some where ordinary people, and they were people who wanted to be free from the suffering of birth and death and attachment, and if the Jewish people today are serious about knowing their religion they should read the Dharma, because this was meant to be their philosophy.

 Two points need to be mentioned:

Firstly, that this was the first time a civil law and rules of sanitation and health were given as a heavenly law, at this scale and magnitude,

But as in the case of the Qur’an, these laws were just the surface layer of some script or verbal teaching that Moses was given,

And since, humanity has been divided into two groups according to heavenly laws: one group which has one, and one which does not,

This does not say that all those on one group are good and the others are bad,

But this was a choice made by people, and on either side people could bewilder or be guided,

But those who chose to go by such laws have had their minds reduced to those laws, and mankind’s thinking mind became an instrument for implementing these laws:

Can you see the absurdity in this?

This is the narrowest confinement beside pagan practices, and not surprisingly, such ideologies, or the lack of them I should say, are coupled with pagan practices,

And what those people have deprived themselves of … is beyond their wildest imagination, because in their confinement there’s very little that they can see, and you talk to them in the hope of helping them out of it, but you’ll see them holding on stubbornly to it, and perhaps wanting to harm you for what you’re trying to do.

And, for example, nowadays, science has shown the physical causes of things, and the benefits or harm of sanitation or the lack of it, and different eating habits … can be assessed scientifically and logically, and on top of this life has become so complex, and humanity continues to invent new “virtues and vices” …

But people who believe that god created them to test if they would abide by a law are oblivious of all of this,

And if you have seen a cat going to the toilet on hard floor, it still digs, although its digging does not do anything, but perhaps in the “wiring” of its brain it has to do that, completely thoughtlessly and choicelessly,

In the same way that you see people eat something that can be harmful to them due to certain health conditions, but their main concern would be whether it is done according to kosher or halal rules.

So this division of humanity is what the “parting of the sea” is meant to be, symbolically,

Because humanity has been parted since, although this parting is now becoming very fuzzy and the two waters are mixing again,

And that is the test which has become perhaps toughest.

So in the end people follow their ancestors, and in their belief this is faith,

So how are people meant to discriminate between falsehood and verity? And this brings us to the second point:

For, sometimes what has pointed to verity in the past could’ve turned completely off the track today,

So how are people meant to discriminate between falsehood and verity? Some ask you sincerely.

Here is a simple answer: in as far as dealing with matters of the world, only the human rational mind is capable of making a distinction between falsehood and verity. And if its vision is not clear at some point, with patience and perseverance and diligence and a good and honest intent … things become clearer in time,

And in matters of faith: the human rational mind can harbour faith only in itself,

And the faiths that humans say they have in things outside their minds is an illusion, because there is nothing outside the human mind,

And when people are bound by their faith to something outside them, this thing will bring destruction unto them, by its nature of temporariness.

In a TV program hosted by Stephen Fry, the British comedian/actor … apparently was questioning religion, good on you Stephen …

I wish I saw that program, but in a short preview, I saw him interviewing a Rabi, and I did not hear the argument that Fry put to him, but I heard the Rabi go: “faith is irrational … you know” or something to that effect, with a cheeky smile,

And this in fact is the belief of all people of religious faith, some of whom are intelligent people, with high academic achievements which would’ve required highly developed intellectual and logical skills,

And one cannot but ask: how can anything irrational be accepted or adopted or even approached … by people? Isn’t it just laziness or out of fear … or irrationality … to accept something irrational to make it the basis of your belief?

Moreover, if you accept irrational beliefs as faith, you have opened the doors wide to all sorts of claims …

Little wonder why religions have been driven so far apart when they are in fact one; and little wonder why there is no shortage of hatred and bigotry in the world, and little wonder why the world is at a very high risk of sliding down into wars and anarchy which could destroy human civilisation …

 So you’d have to ask all authorities of religion, without exception, the open and the secret ones:

Can their beliefs solve any of the problems or address any of the challenges which humanity is facing today?

And if they answer: you have to adopt our belief,

Or worse still: you were not born one of us; it’s your bad luck,

Well, we’re back to square one.

So the wizardry of the Pharaohs was replaced by the wizardry of Moses, and their totems by the Ark of the Covenant, and the human mind trapped itself once again in the trap of irrationality,

And, similarly, many layers of false beliefs came after to counter previous ones, and now we have layers upon layers of falsehood, and this is a most explosive cocktail, which many still believe that it can be put under control by another layer of falsehood …

How people’s beliefs shape their minds and destinies, and defines the contour of their world and vision … is a “science” that has not been dared yet, and perhaps the concept does not exist yet,

And what psychology, behavioural science and neuroscience attempt to do is to study different aspects of the human mind within a contour that is set or agreed to by the studier,

Hence its findings are valid only within that contour,

And not unlike religion.


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