
Yes, Da Vinci.

My aim is not to tell his life story, which is probably known in much detail, but rather to identify the characters that he depicted in his paintings, and to thwart the mystery and misinterpretation  which have surrounded them,

And as if it is a competition: who can come up with the most outlandish interpretation of Leonardo’s paintings?

And perhaps some will say I’m doing exactly the same here, so at the end you are the judge.

But firstly I want to talk a bit about his private life, of which little is known, because mystery has also shrouded this personalité extraordinaire,

Leonardo is one of the Hudood, and you will ask which one, and perhaps the question does not have a straight answer.

When he was a child he felt unhappy in the world where he was born: a world that was ignorant, cruel and sunk in the fallacies of ritualistic and pagan Christianity,

So before the age of ten, in a moment of seclusion, he spoke to his Lord, because he felt that he could do that, and this was Proof to him, and he said: my Lord, what do you want me to do?

And answers did pour unto him, the Peace be him, and he realised that the only beauty around him was God’s Creation, and he was infatuated, and he wanted to capture that in painting, to show it to the world the way he saw it, because he noticed that the people around him passed by miracles of mega proportions deaf, dumb, blind, as the Qur’an puts it,

But he ended up making major religious statements on top of that, as you shall see,

And he foresaw and perhaps paved the way for the Renaissance, and set the human eye and mind on a new level of observation,

And perhaps equally importantly, he foresaw and perhaps paved the way for the age of the machine, this thing which does things, because there are physical laws in it.

So he started taking painting and drawing lessons, and soon, and to his amazement, he noticed that whatever he sketched with his crayons something was added to it, that was not … his making, something that gave it an existential dimension … and beauty in its virtue … not physical … but real …

And a voice deep inside him said to him: whatever you draw or paint I’ll make it more beautiful,

So this set him on a path of prophethood, and he realised that this was his mission in the world.

And from early age he became aware of the powers of his mind and his vision and spent a lot of time in seclusion, teaching himself to control and use those powers.

Towards his later years, he was able to sit in a place and project his consciousness to any point he wanted, so that he could view the scene from that point, in his mind, clearly,

This enabled him to draw sketches and maps of places, which looked like aerial views, and critics thought it was just by his intelligence that was able to do that,

And towards his later years he was able to do out-of-body trips, easily. And the reason he used to have this weird sleeping regime of small lots of one or two hours followed by hard work for three or four hours: was to open those gates of his mind, and he saw pretty much all of his major works, clearly and in colour, in his vision, before he set out to paint them!

And those weird worlds of mountains and skies which filled the background of many of his paintings were scenes of early Days of the Creation, which he was able to tap on, pretty much at will,

And he made a last sketch of himself at an old age, perhaps a few weeks before he died. I couldn’t find it on the net, but I’ve seen it as a print: he drew a profile of himself sitting on a chair, looking old and tired,

And I remember the annotation said that he must’ve used a system of two mirrors to be able to get the perspective … but I tell you, there were no mirrors whatsoever, the man just projected his consciousness and looked at his body from there and sketched what he saw.

And one of his passions was also the drawing of polyhedra, those amazing geometric figures, not much attention is paid to them anymore, because they do not have any significance to the modern mind, but to the people who believe in the Greek Philosophy those figures are very significant,

So Leonardo drew many polyhedra such as the dodecahedron and many others.

And to be able to vision that logically is very difficult, so he did not rely on his logical reasoning solely, but he was also able to vision them to confirm  his logical reasoning.

To give you an idea about the difficulty in doing that, go to Wikipedia and pull out the image of a dodecahedron; when you see how many lines are involved in this shape, and in which direction each has to go to the looking eye … you now realise that only a computer can do this today,

And that’s not an achievement to be taken lightly, anyway.

 Perhaps, by talking about such great men you free your mind from the mysticism and the supernatural stuff which have been woven by the agents of darkness about the Hudood and all the prophets, dark and radiant,

And Leonardo was a man who lived fairly recently, and quite a bit is known about him and has been documented by historians.

As I said in a previous post, and I remember M sharing with me that opinion, that perhaps  the purpose of this cycle of human existence is to recognise the Hodood and to know ‘what’ they are,

So that the dark ones can also be recognised, and known for ‘what’ they are,

And the mystery and the reward and punishment system of a god who lives in the far heavens are wiped out of people’s minds.

It is illogical that god creates people then punishes them for not worshipping or recognising him, and that’s the view held by all monotheist beliefs without exception,

The innateness of our minds tells us that such a god is unfair and sadistic,

And people who adopt such a belief live in fear, and cannot trust the judgement of their own minds, and they surrender their minds to whatever belief is imposed on them by the group they belong to, without any questioning, and that’s a bad destiny.

So the logical thing is that the souls have full choice, and once descended to the low world, their choices are materialised,

But in the low world all suffer, because they are distant from Oneness,

Also in the distance: everyone enjoys a certain pleasure,

It is this pleasure that takes them one way or another,

Pleasure is the driver of the living consciousness; it takes it one way or another,

In black and white: sensual pleasure makes the human consciousness precipitate deeper in matter,

And the pleasure of the mind raises one above matter … to Reality, this is the worship of God,

This should not be viewed as a system of reward and punishment, but rather as a law of existence.

Perhaps the missions of the Hudood and the good prophets can be summarised as the pursuit of Real Pleasure, hence it is said: the prayers be by them (3alayhim as-ssilaat),

And they have to discover that path in every life, all over again, otherwise, their teaching would be the word descended from a third party in the far heaven, and this is not in Union, this is monotheism.

So when we look at their lives, we should expect normal human behaviour, and also Godliness which surpasses normal human behaviour and puts it to rest. The Qur’an and the Book of Hermes talk a lot about this,

The stages of Enlightenment are described in many instances in those Books, and I remember a passage from the Book of Hermes mentioning the “interview” … and there were questions about it on FD, but I felt I didn’t want to answer it at that point, but in this story of Leonardo I will in a forthcoming post.

And when I mentioned that Beethoven was an incarnation of Aristotle, perhaps the idea was hard to digest to some people, and I had kind of regrets about posting it,

Because people would say: yea sure, this guy who is known to have had so many love affairs and drank a lot of wine …

But to put things in perspective, Beethoven didn’t have many love affairs, and the only love he had was to one woman whom he was unable to marry, due to their different social classes: Beethoven was a commoner and she belonged to the aristocracy,

And many women of the aristocracy fell in love with that charming and good looking genius, and he was often invited to those palaces to perform and to … talk, because not only his music was outstanding but also his mind,

And being surrounded by fans does not mean that he was going to bed with different women every day; this is today’s culture, which didn’t exist in those times,

And I’m not a historian and have read very little about his private life, but I suspect that Beethoven lived a life of celibacy, and perhaps only as a young man did he have physical encounters with a woman, very briefly.

On the other hand Schubert and Brahms are known to’ve lived in complete celibacy; those two are Hudood too, if you don’t mind.

And now that we’ve mentioned all those names, here are some more, some of whom were celibate and some were perhaps not: Descartes, Spinoza, Fibonacci, Newton, Leibnitz, Kant, Thomas Moore, Joseph Hayden.

But celibacy alone is not a sign of godliness. Many fake saints and fake holy men pretended or actually lived in celibacy, because it earned them respect and fame,

And in some cases, because they realised that the deprivation from sensual love directed their energy into the work they engaged in, so they were able to produce outstanding works of art, literature, scientific research and so on,

But this does not take the desire for sensual pleasure away altogether and does not necessarily open the window of the Pleasure of all the pleasures,

Hence they lagged behind in their philosophical journey, and their followers too, and you see them talk of high spiritual values, but they seek only bodily pleasure, because In their vision the imagery is stronger than the Truth that is above it,

And people should not feel guilty if their philosophical pursuit is not fulfilled in a life time, and should not feel bad or weak or evil, and should not have regrets about living normal human lives and pursuing worldly affairs,

Having said that, a life time is indeed a long time, so what is it that you really want?  Always ask yourself, in order to remind yourself of the real purpose, so you can sift the jewels from the dust,

And people who are burdened with fear from god and guilt are people who do not know anything except their illusions,

Their strongest desire is to stay distant, and this burdens them with guilt and fear: this is a vicious cycle;

And those who want closeness, those never feel satisfied; their humility before the Eye of the Truth is their constant awe of the Complete Pleasure where they belong.

So I’ve drifted away from talking about Leonardo, but I felt this was necessary to help us all understand the Reality of the Human (naasoot) of the Hudood, may all be close to them.

The Last Supper

In the centre is the Messiah, the Glory be Him,

And if you know about perspective drawing, Leonardo placed his head in the focus of the eye, to tell us that He is the Centre of the Cosmos,

The three windows behind him are windows to the world, the grand creation manifest in imagery … those windows are the Mind, the Self and the Word,

To his left hand, Jesus the son of Joseph sits, looking down, spreading his arms a bit out, to look confused, and on his face is anger, arrogance and repudiation of the Messiah,

Behind him is Simon, angry and argumentative, pointing his finger in a monotheist gesture, which the Muslims still use: only one god up in the heavens,

Over his other shoulder is Mary Magdalene, his lover, as if asking the Messiah to be accepting of Jesus,

To the far end sits Joseph, his father, with two men; they must be the followers of Jesus. The three are discussing the danger that the Messiah has brought to them by exposing the lies of Jesus,

Because at the last supper, the Messiah asked Joseph if the bread was conjured by Jesus and Jesus was of course unable to conjure any bread to confirm his alleged miracles,

 And Joseph’s hand gestures suggest that he is plotting something.

To his right hand side sits this young man/woman. Critics were confused about the gender of this figure, and it was deliberately painted to be so,

This is the Self, who was John the Christ, who is known as John the Baptist. It is true, as critics have noticed, that he/she seems to have split from the Messiah;

Bear in mind, that this is not meant to be a documentary portrait of what was happening, but rather symbolism of existential truths, hence the age of John is wrong in the painting, because when the actual last supper took place, John was in his middle age, baldy and looking old,

The old man leaning over and reaching John and talking to him intimately and a bit angrily is Zakaraya, his father in that life, and a knife held by some mysterious hand, seems to come from nowhere, but it is under Zakaraya’s hand,

This is Zakaraya’s hand in a past life when he was Abraham, and he wanted to “slaughter” his young son, but a lamb was given to him to slaughter instead, as told in the story of Zimarn,

The poor man in front of Zakaraya is Judas, holding the money that he took from Joseph, to “deliver” John and the Messiah,

But as told in the Book of John on COB, he “delivered” both of them from danger, by pointing to Jesus instead,

To the far end sit the remaining three Brothers of John’s, and one of them is making the gesture of starting the prayer, which the Muslims use today. This was taught by him, to help them empty their hearts and minds from the worries and the passions of the world, and to surrender to their Creator: content in Contentment (raadiyatan mardiyyatan).

The bread that was offered to them by their host, Joseph, is still on the table, and the Messiah is pointing to it and looking at it, saying: “this bread is like this body of mine, it rots and decays, and remains only the Spirit”.   

Perhaps a lot more symbolism can be read in this painting, for example the eight sort of windows on the side walls, the black and white half a circle and the dividing line over the head of the man on the far end to the right hand side of the Messiah …

The painting has undergone restoration several times in the past, and a lot of detail has been wiped out. It would be nice to see the feet which feature under the table, most of that has been eroded.

 The two personalities in the attached paintings have had their names swapped around by … critics, historians, the students of Leonardo … I don’t know who was exactly responsible for this blunder,

The first one is in fact John, or if you like the Self, holding a Pencil … or shall I call it the Alpha,

Pointing to it with his right hand,

While his left hand points to the earth … or shall I call it: the Round, or the Omega,

So now you see the complete conformity between religious symbolisms. In the Qur’an and Hikmah  they are : al-7aol wa a-ttaol,

Also al-yameen wa a-shshimaal,

And by the way, shimaal from the root of shml, means to encompass.

So here is the self, pointing to the alpha and the omega, and behind him is the Cosmos in its grand imagery,

Now that you are aware of the symbolism in the Pencil and the Earth, you might want to say that this must be the Mind then, and not the Self,

It does not really matter. The reason why I see it as the Self is because Leonardo would not portray the Mind, and the Last Supper was meant to symbolise certain events.

If the critics want to see eroticism in this painting, it is their own problem, and what they say is the content of their own mind and fantasies. This is physical beauty which is an expression of truths. If they can’t see truth they will dwindle in eroticism, and that’s their own problem.

In the second painting we see the son of man, Jesus the son of Joseph who died on the cross of his body, and on the cross his body died,

As you can see, the background is dark, and Jesus points his finger to the heaven, in a monotheist gesture, while a faint cross is shown behind him: to the untrained eye he is pointing to the cross, to the trained eye his finger points to the heaven/space,

He is showing a cheeky smile, and his left eye goes far in the corner, to symbolise vision that is not straight, which has a hint of deception.

Again, critics saw eroticism in this painting and concluded that Leonardo must’ve been gay,

Leonardo put a lot of effort into loading this portrait with “information”:

The thick curly hair that is so beautiful and natural, you can almost smell the scents of olive oil and bay leaves, and the healthy and shiny skin is depicted in such finesse, it can almost be touched,

Again, if critics find this erotic then they are talking about the content of their own minds.

In all his paintings, Leonardo made sure to establish a balance between the Four Elements. In this particular painting: fire in the eyes, earth in the skin, air in the hair, water on the shiny spots of the face,

But where is the Fifth Element in this one? There is none. Whereas the previous painting has the Fifth Element in that far horizon which lights up the whole world, and gives a feeling that everything comes from it … if you can see it this way.

The line which separates sensual pleasure from true pleasure is very fine, and those who have never experienced any true pleasure cannot imagine it, and in their experience every pleasure boils down to sensual pleasure,

And this is a subject we have to come back to, to talk about it separately.

 Virgin of the rocks,

In Sydney there’s an area called the Rocks, I’m sure Leonardo didn’t paint this one there ha ha ha…

This is a scene from hell: the cave it is taken in,

In the centre you see Mary the wife of Joseph, laying her right arm on her child Jesus, while the other hand is placed above the head of the other child, to whom I’ll come later,

Her child Jesus bows down to the other child.

The other child is John the Christ, doing this double finger sign, which is known to be the symbol of “annunciation”, and according to some books that I managed to find on the Web, the two-finger gesture symbolises the bowing of the heavens, or something to that effect,

I can’t see that this makes any sense at all,

I’ve seen this sign in a few of Leonardo’s paintings, and here’s my theory: he is saying who he is by flashing this sign: the Two-Horned one,  Alexander.

The hand of Mary’s above John’s head is her attempt to silence him.

You can notice the subtle difference between the two children: Jesus looks ghoulish, while John looks beautifully human.

The woman who sits behind John: one can assume is meant to be Mary the mother of the Messiah. Read her facial expressions, and see how she’s pointing her finger to Jesus.

 John’s mother is not mentioned in the Qur’an and was no one special.

Through the far cracks of the cave the light of the Fifth Dimension beams.

 Mona Lisa

The most famous painting in the world and certainly the most enigmatic,

And a few years ago some historian revealed that he or somebody else found documents naming the woman who posed for Leonardo to paint, and that this discovery, according to him, put an end to the theories and the speculations about the identity of Mona,

And this is perhaps true. However, the Mona Lisa is not just a portrait of a woman. And while painting it over a period of six years, they say, Leonardo himself had different thoughts in his mind about … who and what he was painting exactly,

And this translated into the enigma that we can all see.

Firstly, the woman that he painted who was perhaps the daughter of a known business man, was a woman that Leonardo felt that he knew from a past life, so who was she exactly? He started asking,

And while painting her, and while being pretty much alone with her for many hours, he had a chance to think about it and to ponder it.

And by the way, pretty much all the people that he painted or sketched, were people that he recognised from past lives, and knew he was going to meet with in a next one,

And Mona was not an exception, but there was something else about her,

And upon chatting with her he realised that she too believed that she had reincarnated many times, and both of them started asking themselves who were they facing,

There was something special about her forehead, it was radiating, and he was able to see that in very few enlightened people, in past lives perhaps,

And after long days, the identity of that woman came back to him, she was Mary the mother of the Messiah, who was mentioned in the Qur’an, saying to her Lord: “my Lord, I have laid her (her ego), and I’ve named her  (the new born ) Mary”, expressing a proof of her enlightenment.

And, Mary and John knew each other very well, so this was an awe inspiring moment to him, when he found himself facing the true Virgin, the mother of the Messiah.

But this was not the end of the story,

As the painting progressed, he started to get too … obsessed with it. As if it was … evolving to something else, especially that the work he had to do on the face took many years … the skin had to look live, the eyes, the mouth, the hair  … without any trace of a brush or paint …

And while asleep or awake-asleep, he would see that face, again … but now it was looking different …

Whose face was that? A human beautiful face that had no particular gender,  and this is forbidden in this world, but in the world of the Mind it is,

The face looked at him with eyes of compassion and longing, and a bit of sorrow and mystery, and as if trying to reach … and sometimes tears accumulated in the bottom and glowed, and widened the eyes …

 Although Leonardo was comfortably looking at that face, he … did not know what to make of it at the moment …

At the same time he was going through a state of ecstasy, joy, tranquillity, contentment …

The religious Books that he had access to had no mention of this kind of spiritual awareness. Most of them were traditional Biblical works, which had been translated over and over many times from ancient Semitic languages,

But the Gospel did say: “my Lord said to my Lord …”,

So the time had come for his “interview”,

This was The Self looking The Self, now,

A step into Union,

And now everything had a different meaning, and the true Essence of things started to glow,

So that woman now … who was she meant to be?

Because, he was unable to stop his brush from portraying The Self,

Is it The Self who wanted to be portrayed as the Mona Lisa? If he wanted, would he be able to separate the two images?

There was no logical answer to such questions, and as if destiny wanted those images to be confused, and the mystery of The Self will always be,

Who are you O Self, and what do you want?

Why do you look at things and what aim do you have,

Why is there sadness in your joy and agony in your pleasure,

Why do you make beauty then abandon it?

Will you ever settle down O Self?

Perhaps the Book of Hermes expands all these questions and urges the Self to settle in eternal tranquillity,

But the Self possesses no power over her nature: the Water of the Effusion of Love, eager to take all the Images, of what is and will be and has been,

And perhaps only her Brother the Word can fully appreciate her,

And perhaps only their Brothers can fully discern what they express,

And perhaps only those who choose to tread their roads will ever join in the dance of the Deity around the Circle,

So the many are One again.

 I guess I should talk a bit about the painting itself, and a few days ago Iman reminded me that I told him in the past that it was all done according to the ‘golden ratio’. I guess you can look this one up in Wikipedia, but I’m pretty sure many are familiar with it, and here is a link anyway

But most important is the horizons behind Mona which do not meet. If you look carefully, the two horizons cannot meet, and this cannot occur in nature,

I’ve heard critics saying that he did that to create an imbalance which causes the eye of the observer to see an illusion of motion, which causes the Mona to sort of smile,

Which is so true: if you concentrate between her eyes, and without focusing on the mouth, just look at the mouth without moving your focus to it, if you can, you’ll notice that the mouth flickers on the edges creating a smile-like movement.

But more important than that: the impossible horizons are just meant to create an aura of godliness,

Because to the educated eye it is awe inspiring and an exhibition of power and creation,

And what else can I say: can you imagine this when it was still glowing and fresh?

I’ve read somewhere that when people first looked at it many were stunned and went down on their knees,

But all they could see was an outstanding work of art, and they were unaware of the power that is behind it.

The Mona Lisa will be painted again in a far future time.

And don’t be surprised, some of Beethoven’s works were composed millions of years ago in what I called “Britannia”, I remember particularly the second movement of his six symphony: the Pastoral, in which he “paints” a moving image of a brook and perhaps a pond of water in the midst of lush bush, with ducks and swans floating on it, and nightingales, quail and cuckoo tweeting on the trees,

And this is what Beethoven loves best, in the Qur’an king Solomon talks to the birds, and a cuckoo sings to him, so he says to him: I’ll slaughter you,

Meaning, I’ll give you a tune which will send your mind to pieces, of euphoria,

Because, in Earth Interior, there are those musical birds, which know the music better than any human,

One time there, Beethoven picked up his violin and started playing, and those birds flocked from far corners and came to the invitation,

They perched, some on his shoulder and some on every branch or person they could find,

He would play a tune, and they would give him the harmonies,

Sometimes he thought they went wrong, because they went to an unpredictable key which he could not discern,

So he played again and they went to that key again, until he got it, and he was ecstatic,

This is how he managed to create those new harmonies and key-changes in his third symphony, which are still a proof of inexplicable genius.

 The purpose of this is not to glorify Leonardo as a prophet and start mentioning him in our prayers …

The Renaissance and what followed has given us a new perspective of spirituality, that is divorced from religion and religious institutes,

And those prophets came to deliver a message without announcing that they were sent by a god. They spoke to our hearts and minds, honestly.

Perhaps they were declaring the start of the end of the age of religions, and the dawn of a new age, where mankind follows his mind, and nothing else,

To point to the essence of all things through different activities and expressions, which can all be viewed as spiritual; after all, it is only the Spirit that exists, and its manifestations come and go.

And perhaps some will prefer to see their prophets as men of “holiness”, in whichever way they understand this, who teach them what to believe and how to act,

But reality is not like this.

“Holy men” in the Far East taught martial arts, yoga, health disciplines … amongst other things,

And art in the Far East was never meant to be used for “worship”, if people use it today for worship, it is because they are unable to transcend in it. Some statues of the Buddha in Thailand, some Hindu temples in India … are just miracles of art, they are meant to be contemplated, they hide a lot a secrets that only the knowledgeable and educated eye can unveil,

Those closed eyes of the Buddha … are meant to take you inside them …


And to change the subject …

This is a theory which will be difficult to prove,

There was a philosophical and spiritual awakening in Andalusia during the days of the Arabs there. And an elite of people migrated to Andalusia to live free from the strictly Islamic way of life and belief,

And the Books of Hikmah were known by then, but were kept secret in the hands of a very few, because those who had them without the permission of the descendants of al-Mansour were persecuted and killed,

I suspect that Tawheedic philosophy spread from Spain in those days, secretly to Italy, France, England, Germany.

Those people formed a secret society which was later named the Illuminate.

Their main concern was to stay secret in then Medieval Europe, which burnt witches and beheaded everyone who opposed the Church and the aristocracy.

Members used to meet secretly; their aim was to put an end to the falsehood of the Church and its practices, in politics as well as religion,

Some known members were Da Vinci and Isaac Newton.

The Illuminate are being portrayed today by some groups as satanic and so on,

And perhaps it has been the case that they were infiltrated by some agents of religious institutes for the purpose of corrupting them and giving them a bad name.

I do not believe that this group exists anymore, and I believe that they dispersed and vanished as an organised group back in the eighteen hundreds.

But the Church has always had rebel cardinals and popes who loved Christianity, and loathed the rituals and the fallacies,

Perhaps the most famous in our times was pope John Paul II,

He spent his life building bridges between the Church and other religions, after centuries of hatred and animosity created by many of his predecessors,

He visited many countries, regardless of their religion, he bowed down on every land and kissed the earth, signalling that all the earth is sacred, and no place is holier than another,

He kissed the Qur’an during a visit to an Islamic country,

He apologised for the wars between the Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox,

He tried to establish the “World Youth Day”, on the basis of no religion: his idea was to invite the youth of the world of all religions, to enhance friendships and to spread Christian teaching,

But his Cardinals, including the now pope Ratzinger, wanted to turn the event into a celebration of Catholic rituals, and this is what it has been reduced to now.

The Catholic Church and all mainstream Christian institutes do know, and have documents from old times, telling them the true story of the Christ and the Messiah, and exposing the lies of the son of Joseph,

But those institutes would lose the power they have over the mobs, if such truths are revealed, and this threatens their authority and their very existence,

The mobs are the biggest capital in the game of power-play of the institutes of politics, business and religion, referred to in the Qur’an as The Tyranny,

And lying and mind-manipulation are the most powerful tools those institutes use to control the mobs,

They believe that if they say something and keep repeating it over and over, it turns true in the people’s minds,

And they have many examples to support their belief,

They also believe that if you cover facts, they disappear and become unknown, as if non-factual,

And they have many examples to support their belief;

But their vision is near-sighted, and the ostrich can hide its head in the sand for a short time only, and events exist, and nothing can wipe out their existence, and you can build walls around you to block some view, but the wall has an expiry date, and the view behind it will be revealed, sooner or later,

And in our times, when things have been sped up hundreds of times, they can see that their lies are exposed as soon as they are said,

But they continue to lie, and the dangerous thing is that people are becoming numb, and are now accepting that lying is the way to do things, and it is OK if you are exposed after a while, as long as lying helped you to get what  you wanted,

And the world is not short of self-proclaimed experts in psychology and human sciences and so on … who will tell us that it is all fine, and this is how things are meant to happen, and dishonesty is a skill that we developed for our survival, and that all the religious teaching about honesty was just a phase of our development that we should put behind us now, and look forward to a future when we accept each other as  … very smart apes and rats and pigs …


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