Surah 42
The Consult

1. Ha’ Meem,
2. Ayn Seen Qaaf,
[The Arabic letters which introduce some Surahs of the Qur’an are the letters of the words which point to the Summa (
ألأسماء), which came in Surah 59 al-hashr (ألحشر). The number of those letters is 14, hence the expression "the Seven Twos” (ألسبع المثاني). These are the Surahs upon which “God’s name is written”. A thorough explanation of this can be found on our website.]
3. Thus He inspires to you, and to the ones before you, God the Exalted the Sovereign,
4. To Him all in the heavens and the earth, is He The Great The Lofty,
5. The skies are all but splitting from above them, and the Angels transcend in the Wealth of their Lord, begging forgiveness for those in the earth, hail, God is indeed Forgiving Compassionate,
6. And those who took masters below Him: God is Protector of them, and you [the messenger] are not over them a patron,
7. And thus We have inspired to you a Lectrum Articulate/Qur’an Arabic, so you warn the mother of all the nations and those around it, to warn that the Day of the Gathering, no doubt about it, one team is in the garden and one in the blaze,
8. Had God willed He would have made them one nation, but ushers He whomever He will into His Compassion, and the darkened ones have no master or a supporter,
9. Or have they taken masters below Him? God is The Master, enlivens He the dead, Capable of everything,
10. And whatever of a thing about which you disagree: the ruling of it is to God, this and all is God my Lord, upon Him I rely and to Him I refer,
11. Illustrator of the heavens and the earth, made He pairs for you from your selves, and pairs from the Bounties [the Summa], in it He disperses you, nothing is similar to this, is He All Hearing and Seeing,
12. To Him are the Garlands of the heavens and the earth, advances He the Providence to whomever He will and destines He [we read
يقدّر], knows He encompassingly everything,
13. Declared He to you of Religion that He entrusted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus, that do hold up the Religion and be not divided in it, it has a been a big ask of the affixers what you call them to, God brings to Him whomever He will and guides He to Him those who refer [to Him],
14. They did not divide till after the knowledge became to them, in dissidence between one another, and but for a Word that came forth from your Lord to an allotted term: it would’ve been judged between them, those who inherited the Book after them are in a confusing doubt about it,
15. Hence, do call them and do straighten as you are commanded, follow not their passions, and say: “I believe in what God has descended of a Book, and I am commanded to be just between you, God is our Lord, our deeds are ours and your deeds are yours, there is no evidence between us and you, God gathers us all, to Him is the destiny”,
16. And those who debate about God after they have been answered: their evidence is refuted in God, great anger is cast on them, for them is severe suffering,
17. God is He Who descended the Book by the Law and the Balance [pointing to oneness and duality], and you never know, perhaps the Hour is near,
18. They hasten about it those who believe not, and those who do believe are in awe of it and do know it is the Law, indeed those who ignore the Hour are in a far bewilderment,
[It takes a mind that hasn’t been reduced to read that those declarations are addressed to all peoples of Abrahamic religions, including the Muslims who have excluded themselves, judged and divided themselves already].


19. God is Kind to the abiders in Him, provides He to whomever He will, is He Powerful Exalted,
20. Who wants the income of the hereafter We increase his income, and who wants the income of the low one We provide him from it, he has no share in the hereafter,
21. Or do they have partners who declared to them of religion what God did not announce/permit? But for the Word of decision it would’ve been judged [already] between them, the darkened ones are in a severe suffering,
22. You notice the darkened ones intimidated by what they’ve earned, and it is due upon them, and those who believed and did good are in lush gardens, in it they have what they will in their Lord, this is the great elevation,
23. This is the glad tiding God delivers to the abiders in Him, who believed and did good, say: “I ask you not for a reward, except for love in closeness”, whoever performs a good deed We increase the goodness for him in it, God is indeed Forgiving Thankful,
24. Or do they say: “he is fretting falsehood on God, will God He would seal your heart”, and God erases falsehood and actualises verity by His Word, is He Knower of the emerging Identity,
25. Is He Who accepts repentance of His abiders in Him, overlooks He the bad, knows He what you do,
26. Responds He to those who believed and did good, and increases them of His Elevation, and the distanced ones have a great suffering,
27. Had God let out the providence to His creation, they would have wrecked the earth, but He drops it measuredly willingly, is He of His creation Seer and all Informed,
28. Descends He the supplies after they have needed, spreads He His Compassion, is He The Master The Copious,
29. Of His Miracles the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what he infused in them of walkers, crawlers and flyers, and He, to gathering them, is all Capable,
30. Whatever calamity has stricken you it is by what your hands have earned, and forgives He a lot,
31. You are not invincible in the earth, you have not below God a master and neither a supporter,
32. Of His Miracles are the traversers of the ocean/the sky, like prominent ones,
33. Will He, He would settle the breeze, so they stay stagnant upon His Manifestation, in this are Miracles for every forbearing and thankful one,
34. Or He makes them vanish by what they earned, or forgives He a lot,
[Although the pronouns in Arabic seem to refer to two different references, namely what is made to vanish and who earned: in our reading they refer to the same reference, being the stars/people on the sail boats, who traverse the sky/ocean.
In such a fluid border between physical objects and essences are the reminders of early less physical existences, from which originates every physical thing.]


35. That those who dispute our Paragons know that they have no escape,
36. Whatever a thing you’ve been given it is but the leisure of the low lives, and what God has is better and lasts longer, for those who believed and on their Lord they rely,
37. Those who keep clear from the greatest of sins and obscenities, and when angry they forgive,
38. And those who respond to their Lord and hold up the prayers, and their matters are a consult between them, and whatever We provide them they utilise,
39. Those, who when discord strikes them they are triumphant,
40. The consequence of a bad one is a bad one similar, so who forgives and reforms: his reward is to God, God likes not the darkened ones,
41. And who triumph after their darkness, those have no road,
42. The road is upon those who wrong the people and wreck the earth lawlessly, those have severe suffering,
43. And who forebear and forgive, this is indeed the resolution of matters,
44. Whoever God has bewildered has no master after Him, and you see the darkened ones: when they see the suffering they say: is there a road back?
45. And you see them declining it, of fear of humiliation, they steal a concealed glance, and those who believed say: the losers are those who lost their selves and their Family the day of the Uprise, indeed the darkened ones are in a permanent suffering,
46. Never have they masters below God supporting them, whomever God has bewildered have no way,
47. Respond to your Lord, before a day come from your Lord irreversibly, no shelter have you then, and what you have is of rejection,
48. Should they decline, We have not sent you a protector, you only have the promulgation, indeed when We make mankind experience mercy from Us it is rejoicing, and if ill strikes them of what their hands have afforded; mankind is distanced,
[It is sad that every time the Law is taught, the words precipitate in definitional morality and a binary understanding of virtue.
So, if the Books have been written to affirm the laws of heathenry, why have them?
I hope that by reading those verses correctly I have taken off the layer of the law of heathenry that has covered them, and by so doing I let their light shine. But it won’t in the minds that have been reduced to a physical understanding of justice.

Quite a few articles have been written on COB exposing the destructive nature of the laws of vendetta and retaliation, which have been around since early times before any Book was delivered. I can hereby assure you that all Abrahamic religions, and indeed the so-called secular laws: which condone revenge and retaliation and justify them by whatever verbosity: know none but a primitive law of human existence.
If those laws helped individuals and nations to survive in the past, this was their period of effectives, so the people tread this road and learn from the consequences they bring onto others and themselves.
But the ill intent has grown out of its physical proportions. Technology now, aimed for destruction, will destroy everyone, regardless to which god’s side or which political entity they belong.]


49. To God the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, creates He what He will, bestows He on whom He will the productive/female [consciousness], and bestows He on whom He will the remembering/male [consciousness],
50. Or pairs them He as productive and remembering, or makes He whom He will unproductive, is He Knower and Capable,
51. A human is not to be spoken to by God, except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or sends He a messenger who inspires [to the people] what He will by His Leave, is He Sovereign,
52. Thus We inspired to you Spirit from Our Aim, you hadn’t known what the Book was and neither faith, but We’ve made it Light by which We guide whom We will of Our Abiders in Us, and you do direct to a straight way,
53. The Way of God Who has all in the heavens and the earth, hail, to God all become

[I only hope that by removing the mainstream interpretations of the Qur’an, sourced from whichever sect of Islam or anti-Islam: a tawheedic (pantheist) understanding of it becomes closer to the minds, and a way to resolving the religious differences in the Middle East can thus be envisaged, and a tawheedic view of other Books can also become possible.

The conflicts of the Middle East will not vanish upon the victory of one party over another, and so long as the Books are interpreted as a cause to fuel those conflicts: the conflicts will persist, and indeed turn more violent and destructive.
Religious authorities in the Middle East, the Jewish, the Christian, the Islamic and the Druzic … have to take a rational approach to understanding Religion, so it stops being a cause of conflict: when it was meant to guide to a way of advancing human consciousness, each in the language and the metaphors of their place and time.
It seems that time and again people are being driven to come face to face with their own inadequacies by facing others’. The versatility of human consciousness is an invitation to self-critique and examination, and hence a thing to celebrate. And difference of opinions is a reason to cooperate: there is no other way.]



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