Surah 97

The Power

1. That We descended it/him [the Qur’an to the messenger] on the night of Power,
2. And how do you know what is the night of Power?
3. The night of Power is better than a thousand months,
4. Descend the angels and the Spirit in it/them, by their Lord’s leave in every aim/mission,
[COB has written a few posts, and on its website, about the Power,
There’s no known vocabulary or concepts that can be assembled to define it. But hints to it are in this Surah, and in Surah 18 (The Cave), when the Two-Horned one (Alexander) said to his soldiers: “eye me with Power” (
أعينوني بقوة),
Although the Arabic word used in the two cases are different, in COB’s view they are pointing to the same essence,

The Power runs the worlds in perfect coordination,
Some animals and insects are given a glimpse of it, which allows them to build or to move in perfection,
Past civilisations had a small share of knowledge of it, but when they used it for evil purposes they were doomed to total destruction, and their ruins bear witness to the depths and the heights of their insight, which modern civilisation can only pretend to understand,

The Well-Guarded Months (ألاشهر الحُرُم), COB believes, are the last four months of the Arabic Lunar calendar, starting with Ramadan, ending with Dhul-Hijjah (meaning the one with the Proof),
During them, transcendence is easier, as the heavens come closer, in a manner of speaking,
This must’ve been known to the pre-Islamic Jews of Arabia, hence the tradition of banning vendetta and waging wars during them, perhaps amongst other things, in pre-Islamic Arabia …

Unfortunately, the spiritual dimension of the prohibition has been forgotten, and hence the traditions that are devoid of it are proscribed in the Qur’an,
The particular “night of Power” in COB’s opinion is the tenth night of Dhul-Hijjah, and the subsequent four nights, until the full moon is completed, and then as it is trimmed by the Law, the glare of the nights of Power persists …]

5. Peace it is, until the rise of dawn


Surah 98

The Evidence

1. They were not, those who disbelieved of the people of the Book and the affixers: in disarray: for the evidence to come to them,
2. A messenger from God reciting immaculate pages,
3. In them are Books of Value,
[This has been the status quo of all religions before a new message was delivered to them …
Their disaccord and disagreements on essential issues of faith and philosophic foundations … were so far apart, and their dissensions were rife,
But none of them ever thought that they got their message wrong, and they hence needed a messenger to explain it to them in order to set them all on the straight path once again …]

4. And they did not split apart, those who were given the Book: except after the evidence had come to them,
[Indeed, as soon as the new message was delivered, providing logical and philosophic evidence to the essence of all the Books: and after their rejection of it and a long struggle against it …: they finally see some truth in it,
But unfortunately, the frame of mind of difference and self-selection and self-judgement doesn’t go away, and they are back to the state of disarray with new beliefs now and a new Book,

With the history of the Hebrew people being unknow in much detail to non-Hebrew, the best examples one can look at are the fate of Christianity and Islam,
Muslim scholars would be hiding their heads in concrete … if they deny that those verses apply to them as much as they do to the preceding Abrahamic religions …

This Page will not shy from telling them the most obvious fact,
If they claim that this is causing more problems between them, being the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims and the Druze, in all their branches: they’d have to have their heads turned upside-down completely and irreversibly, and have only themselves to blame …]

5. And they were not commanded but to abide in God, devoting to Him the religion, evadingly, and to uphold the prayers and to perform the purifications, and this the Religion/Redemption of the Up-rise [we read “القيامة”],
[The verse summarises the tenets of faith … mentioning prayers and purifications …
Prayers and purifications that translate to rituals in Abrahamic religions … who have failed to discern what prayers and purifications are meant to do to their hearts and minds …

So, upon reading this very verse, they revert to the frame of mind that the Surah is deterring them from … without even being conscious of what they’re doing,
Hence the word “
حنيف”, which, in its Arabic root points to diversion: is taken to mean pureness and righteousness …!
Every time this word featured in the Qur’an, it was actually telling the faithful to steer away from false religions,
God’s Religion is the Up-rise, standing straight, in full wakefulness …
This can be achieved by understanding any of God’s Books honestly, steering away from political and ritualistic religions …]

6. That those who distanced/disbelieved of the people of the Book and the affixers are in the fire of the inferno eternally, those are the worst of humanity,
[Who see no purpose of their lives except to make enemies and fight them …]

7. That those who believed and did good, those are the best of humanity,
8. Their reward in their Lord is gardens, the days stream underneath them, eternally in them, Content is God with them, and content they are with Him, this is for everyone who are fearful of their Lord


Surah 99

The Tremor

1. When the earth tremors its tremor,
2. And brings out its heavy weights [alternatively: its precipitants, if “
أثفالها" is read],
3. And man says: “what’s it with it?”,
4. Thence, it tells its news,
5. That your Lord inspired to it,
6. Thence, the people come out dispersed, to see their deeds,
[As we’ve expressed before, the descriptions of large-scale events of a higher order of magnitude, do not refer to one event, that is the end-of-days, as Abrahamic religions have understood,
And even when the days end: they restart,
This is alluded to in this Book and in the Ghita,

What’s been happening around the world: has been bringing out many centuries and millennia of hidden secrets at every level of human activity,
Political and religious ideologies would be totally delusional if they believe that they can stop this universal phenomenon,
They can deceive their own followers, to drag them down with them, where they can revive their corrupt kingdoms and institutes, to kick off a new chain of suffering, as they see the collapse of their beliefs and systems of governance …:
Where political interests are put ahead of justice and reason,

But the people of honesty and reason in all religions and nations are too aware of the cause-and-effect law of life, that is expressed best in the last verses of this Surah,

Alongside actual tremors and weather extremes …, the popular revolt and revolutions around the world are an expression of such “tremors” …]

7. He who does a mote’s worth of good: sees it,
8. And he who does a mote’s worth of bad: sees it


Surah 100

The Racers

1. By the racers to the junction of revelation/knowledge,
2. Hence trailing sparks [in their inner vision],
3. Hence the raiders [of mind and vision] in the morning,
4. So they evoked in it the sounds,
5. And they centered themselves in it in summation,
[I can never be too thankful to al-Fayrouz Abadi, who wrote his wonderful dictionary: The Encompassing Dictionary,
I’ve mentioned on a number of occasions in the past that I refer to his dictionary, to inspect old usages of Arabic words, including proper names …

At first read, the verses sound like pre-Islamic poetry, in which an exaggerated description of the speed and power of the poet’s or his tribe’s stallions featured prominently,
But the word “
ضبح" was used also to point to a place from which the pilgrims took off to Mount Arafat in Makkah, according to the mentioned dictionary,
Which gives the sequence of verses an esoteric layer, pointing to the early stage of the journey of knowledge,

And it is not coincidental that a mountain there was named “Arafat”, a word in Arabic from the root of “عرف", which points to “to know”,
Unfortunately, the mountain that the truth seeker visions: had to translate to a physical mountain … and the entire journey: to a ritual of circulation and walking and the stoning of a stone …

Had this projected true light in their minds: they would’ve become the most virtuous people, that every nation wants to be guided by,
Unfortunately, the ritual has now lost its spirit and aim, and is reduced to a process which buys favours from a god: on whose behalf the men of religions make decisions and judge the people …]

6. That man is, to his Lord, reluctant,
7. And he is upon this a witness,
[God witnesses everything, but the reference here is to each person’s witness of their own actions and intentions.]

8. And that he is, to the love of affluence, so devoted,
[The word “
خير” means good, and as the case is in English, this could mean anything that is beneficial to the people, including material things …
The hint here is to people’s love of material possessions, which makes them reluctant to pursue higher aims …]

9. Does he not know, that when it is dispersed: what is in the graves,
10. And it is collected: what’s in the chests,
[The graves are people’s attachment to all their worldly valuables: nations, religions, traditions, wealth, tribes …
And they are symbolised by graves: because they are temporary, and hence a cause of death: in the dissociation from the essences which project them …
Hence it was said in the Gospel: let the dead bury their dead.]

11. That their Lord is thence, in them [the content of the chests], all informed



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